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Namjesus followed question about question
14 days
Namjesus followed question about turn into a guy

Does anyone have any recommendations for good historical japanese gay stories on Wattpad? I've read a bunch of good ancient Chinese ones, but just realized I've never read any based in ancient Japan or Korea. Never even come across them. I've read ancient Korean lgbt manhwa, but I've never seen ancient japanese lgbt manga.Just curious if anyone has......

15 days
Namjesus followed question about question

IMPO NOTE: I READ IT ON MYREADINGMANGA, NOT MANGAGO SO IT MIGHT NOT BE HERE. GENRES: It's a supernatural BL, I think it was also a slice of life and comedy but I'm not sure. I don't remember if there was any yaoi scenes or not. PLOT: MC and ML start off as strangers. MC is connected to the ML by a curse; their lives are basically connected where ......

16 days
Namjesus followed question about writing

Short stories like The Paper Menagerie or Drinking Coffee Elsewhere (really good stories I highly recommend.) I also need some new short story recommendations.

17 days
Namjesus followed question about looking for yaoi manga

anyone got any great yaoi manga with a soft top like Ash from Define The Relationship? (i.e men who are really gentle and sweet generally but get possessive and dominant in bed) Thanks! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

09 04,2024
Namjesus like the answer
you have a serious issue if this is genuinely the best thing you could think of to entertain yourself. go learn something, or make something, why the fuck are you spending your time trying to tear other people down? there’s enough hate in the world, why would you add more to it just because you’re salty that someone else’s opinion has a wider......
Namjesus like the answer
i wish i could dislike this question :(
Namjesus followed question about toxic parents
Namjesus like the answer
I'm never gonna have kids, but I do think kids should be allowed internet access. It's an incredible tool that they're gonna need to learn to navigate to succeed in the future, so denying them access to it is unfair and not beneficial at all. Kids need to be taught proper internet safety and have reasonable restrictions in place. It's like how abs......
Namjesus followed question about compulsive lying

Popular ≠ liked to be clear, im talking about ones with a good reputation ykwim

30 01,2024
Namjesus answered question about your opinions
Namjesus created a topic of Midnight Sadistic
Namjesus created a topic of Night Song

They are making my heart flutter.

Namjesus created a topic of The Man At Night
Namjesus answered question about question
Partner/myself . Can make another baby later
Namjesus created a topic of Night Song
Namjesus created a topic of Sharpe and Rabbit

Just re read this. I miss it too much ;-;

Namjesus created a topic of Cry Me a River

Not me reading thia right beside my mom.
It was hot btw. Too hot