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Tabichan June 23, 2020 6:32 pm

Can someone tell me the name of I manga about a husband who cheats on his wife. Later his wife found out and decided to leave her husband and taking her kid with her. After that he soon regretted it. The partner in crime is also married woman. And her husband was the one who caught them doing it on his house.

Tabichan February 5, 2020 3:05 pm

Yaoi manga about a rich young master who fall in love with his gardener. Both of his family died. what's left are dog and his mother's beautiful garden. The young master love beautiful things. Even his private doctor has pretty face. One day the young master kiss his (secretary boy?? not sure) in front of the gardener to make him jealous. That's some pieces of the story. .

I forgot the tittle, so if anyone know the tittle,please tell me.. . Thank you!

Tabichan March 12, 2017 4:32 pm

Can someone help me? ╥﹏╥ I'm searching for yaoi manga, a boy who fall in love with his roommate but the roommate fall in love with his senpai instead. Suddenly the roommate got news that his father died on airplane (I think ) so the roommate gotta go. After fiew years they meet again, but the roommate already broke up with the senpai. And finally the boy and his roommate got out with each other. If someone know, please tell me. .. ╥﹏╥ sorry for bed english

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