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kokomomo7 created a topic of A Terrible Romance

I DONT COMPLETELY BLAME TAEHWAN, but him knowing what Woojin's going through and went through i dont understand how he can still show that much closure to someone. I understand the part where he's a fucking pushover and is just too kind but WHY THE FUCK do you have to update your boyfriend about shit that seems good news to you but not for him, he's not considering what Woojin's going through and it's fucking obvious, or he just simply forgot and thinks he got better with their current relationship now. He's so fucking naive TOO NAIVE like bro i think if i were the girl I'd cry myself to sleep if a guy gives me hope and it turns out he was dating someone ANYWAYS I DONT WANNA BE HER EITHER COZ SHE'S ANNOYING ASFUCK . On the good side, he's a better boyfriend, he's not abusive, HES JUST TOO FUCKING NAIVE, he doesnt even know hes hurting his boyfriend, and let alone the fact that he's giving hope to the other girl. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH "ITS PARTLY WOOJINS FAULT" NO BITCH HE HAS TRAUMA, HE WENT THROUGH IT BEFORE, AIN'T NO WAY IT'S GONNA BE EASY FOR HIM