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ejiroustar May 20, 2021 12:52 am

I had to drop this as soon as she threatened to falsely accuse him of rape, not a fuckin chance

ejiroustar May 19, 2021 8:23 pm


ejiroustar May 19, 2021 6:34 pm

Ya know I’ve been reading these comments and imma just assume, no, I know, that u yahwi stans don’t got parents who love u and u hate yourself. I can see why though, yer not the smartest bunch sadly. Donating my ass hairs to your cause, get well #ejiroustarneverlies #ejiroustarissuperior

ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:18 pm

Ejiroustar back at it again, hahaha. Some of y’all really takin the piss talkin bout “Yes yahwi did some bad things but I understand his reasoning. He wasn’t loved a child so ofc he wouldn’t know how to treat someone.” ya better understand deez nutz bozo. What if I went to yer house and killed yer loved ones just bc as a child I killed roaches? Hmm. What wouldya do?? Yeahhh YEHAHHH that’s what I thought. Childhood trauma ≠ right to get away with similar shit. How is that hard to understand. Ya don’t fucking rape, gaslight, and manipulate someone just bc u weren’t loved as a child (I can tell why u weren’t dumbass mf). It should be like- “Oh? Yer parents didn’t love ya so u wanna hurt me? FUCK OUTTA HERE WIT THAT BEFORE I TURN FERAL.” U ain’t supposed to sympathize with them. Especially if they did some fucked up shit to ya. You post to check that mf. Put em in dere place. Bro’s on some real comedy shit and y’all feelin bad for him? TIGHTEN UP. Stay strong fucking maggot. Fuck allat team yahwi x jooin shit! Yahwi x these fists is the true way it’s supposed to go. Mf really thought we was finna be all “sniff sniff...yahwi is best boy..he deserves the world!!” NAHH LMDOAOAOAOAOA you deserve to have yer shit rocked #burntherich. Jokes aside though, imagine it. U like someone, and they hurt ya, then they act like they’re the one who’s actually in pain. JUST IMAGINE IT. You’d end up inna jail cell right? Me too. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. Anythin else is fuckrey. So wake up, smell fresh air, and stop being a social reject. Cut all that shit this instant. Listen to the words of the all mighty Ejiroustar and stay safe (unless u like yahwi, I’ll rip my ass hairs out and stuff it in yer mouth, stay mad homo).

Sincerely - Ejiroustar

    Murasaki May 19, 2021 5:22 pm

    no need to curse all yahwi stan. we do love yahwi but not all of us like what he did to jooin. dont be fucking toxic here.

    chu huanwen's happiness May 19, 2021 5:33 pm

    they're literally ignoring the fact that he ALWAYS emotionally abuses jooin and has also physically abused him, he's so manipulative as well

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:37 pm
    no need to curse all yahwi stan. we do love yahwi but not all of us like what he did to jooin. dont be fucking toxic here. Murasaki

    I’m not being toxic? Nd I will curse all his stans because u gotta be a different type of brain dead to stan him. Even if u don’t like what u did to jooin the fact is that his character itself is trash and nonsense.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:38 pm
    they're literally ignoring the fact that he ALWAYS emotionally abuses jooin and has also physically abused him, he's so manipulative as well chu huanwen's happiness


    Nijacool13 May 19, 2021 5:43 pm

    Yawhi x these fist took me out but you're spitting facts

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:51 pm
    Yawhi x these fist took me out but you're spitting facts Nijacool13

    Mhm better believe it. I got one mean right hook.

    iluvsecondleads May 19, 2021 6:29 pm

    yahwi stans [derogatory]

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 6:33 pm
    yahwi stans [derogatory] iluvsecondleads


    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 6:50 pm
    I’m not being toxic? Nd I will curse all his stans because u gotta be a different type of brain dead to stan him. Even if u don’t like what u did to jooin the fact is that his character itself is trash and ... ejiroustar

    bruh yall really gotta chill i hate yahwi with passion but sometimes people only like a character bc they're hot and it's fiction, you talk like you never felt attracted to an anime/manga villain in your life. the only yahwi stans i have a problem with are the ones trying to justify what he's done and be like "awwh poor bby he's trying his best", that person clearly said they're not happy with his actions

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 7:15 pm
    bruh yall really gotta chill i hate yahwi with passion but sometimes people only like a character bc they're hot and it's fiction, you talk like you never felt attracted to an anime/manga villain in your life. ... bishounensupremacy

    I am chill right now and yeah I’ve never, ever, been attracted to an anime/manga antagonist so imma continue to spit my shit. I’m not about to let people justify rape and gaslighting just bc a mf character is hot tf? At the start of my topic I clear up everything u just said in yer last sentence. That person didn’t say anything related to my topic so I’m actually pretty confused with what u mean by “they clearly said they’re not happy with his actions”. People like you love to rephrase words, assume shit, and out words in other people’s mouth. You probably shouldn’t do that

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 7:45 pm
    I am chill right now and yeah I’ve never, ever, been attracted to an anime/manga antagonist so imma continue to spit my shit. I’m not about to let people justify rape and gaslighting just bc a mf character ... ejiroustar

    lmao sis isn't that a bully on your pfp?
    murasaki said "not all of us like what he did to jooin" and you literally called all of them braindead that's what i replied to. not all yahwi stans are rape apologists sometimes it's just guilty pleasure. if you asked a lot of them would say they do not support him raping jooin or being an asshole to him the whole time they just like him cause he looks hot. i already said that people trying to justify his actions are bs. like, i find johan liebert attractive as fuck, does that mean i support brainwashing and mass murder? hell no. yall should probably stop acting like finding some pixels attractive is a crime

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 8:34 pm
    lmao sis isn't that a bully on your pfp? murasaki said "not all of us like what he did to jooin" and you literally called all of them braindead that's what i replied to. not all yahwi stans are rape apologists ... bishounensupremacy

    No, it’s two mha boys that I’d like to see together lmfao. Not all of them, yeah, but enough of them are to call every single in of them out. Nobody is acting like finding pixels attractive is a crime (these are lines but ya know). I like a lot, a lottt, of fictional people, just not gaslighters and rapists. I give no fucks about whether or not u support what he did to jooin, stanning a person (or finding a person hot) who is a rapist and gaslighter is wrong in so many different ways, regardless of whether or not it’s fictional. U gotta be fucked in the head or sumn bc yer logic is extremely flawed. By what u just wrote that means that if someone murdered your entire family and someone said “I know what they did to ya was wrong but he was so hot omg, I’d let him fuck my brains out” you’d be perfectly fine and all would be well, isn’t that right?

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 8:35 pm
    lmao sis isn't that a bully on your pfp? murasaki said "not all of us like what he did to jooin" and you literally called all of them braindead that's what i replied to. not all yahwi stans are rape apologists ... bishounensupremacy

    Also back to your first sentence, I know damn well u not bringing a teenage boy into a convo about a rapist and manga/anime villains

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 8:53 pm

    "By what u just wrote that means that if someone murdered your entire family and someone said “I know what they did to ya was wrong but he was so hot omg, I’d let him fuck my brains out” you’d be perfectly fine and all would be well, isn’t that right?"

    omg- if you actually tried to understand what i wrote you'd know i literally said that it's only bc it's fiction. as long as no one is trying to justify shit it's perfectly fine to find a fictional character hot regardless of what they've done because it's only the appearance or the attitude, not the actions. if someone tried to rape me no way in hell i'd be okay with it or other people trying to romanticize it whether their looks are my type or not. shit like people having ted bundy fan accounts or having crushes on school shooters is disgusting because it's desrespecting the victims and belittling their pain. in fiction there are no victims unless it's based on a real life incident.

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 9:01 pm
    I am chill right now and yeah I’ve never, ever, been attracted to an anime/manga antagonist so imma continue to spit my shit. I’m not about to let people justify rape and gaslighting just bc a mf character ... ejiroustar

    about the mha stuff, bakugou isn't really the most morally justifiable person to have as your pfp when you're saying shit like this is he? "Characters may be antagonists without being evil – they may simply be injudicious and unlikeable for the audience." bakugou is the antagonist of the first season so you tecnically did find an antagonist in a show attractive, that's all i've been trying to point out.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 9:23 pm
    about the mha stuff, bakugou isn't really the most morally justifiable person to have as your pfp when you're saying shit like this is he? "Characters may be antagonists without being evil – they may simply b... bishounensupremacy

    1. I don’t find bakugou attractive in all honesty 2. Shigaraki is the antagonist, bakugou is the second ml. He isn’t evil nor a bully, he’s just aggressive. Plus, you’re acting like he’s the only one in my pfp. The one I actually favor is the one next to him.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 9:29 pm
    "By what u just wrote that means that if someone murdered your entire family and someone said “I know what they did to ya was wrong but he was so hot omg, I’d let him fuck my brains out” you’d be perfec... bishounensupremacy

    Isn’t it real life people simping for these characters though? Real life humans? They aren’t fictional at all so you’re not making any sense. Do u know how disgusting it is for a real life person to feel any sort of attraction to a rapist? Fictional rapist, nonfictional rapist. It’s all the same. Fiction effects real life a fucking lot and the people in these comments are an example of that. What if one of these yahwi stans go and say or think some shit like this in real life. “Oh I know he raped someone but he’s so hot lol”, u see how that sounds right? Rape is fiction IS based off of real life incidents. Rape wouldn’t exist in fiction if it didn’t exist in real life. People take rape and put it into their stories for all different types of reasons which is wrong. Rape shouldn’t have been introduced to fiction in the first place because now, as you can see, people are finding them hot.

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 10:11 pm
    Isn’t it real life people simping for these characters though? Real life humans? They aren’t fictional at all so you’re not making any sense. Do u know how disgusting it is for a real life person to feel ... ejiroustar

    okay- i'm not the type of person who'd say rape in fiction is always a-okay. in case i argued with a lot of people about this and they'd use the same argument, "you don't know how to seperate fiction from reality" that's partially true but it depends on how it's portrayed. if the author uses rape as a plot device and tries to make the main characters relationship seem sweet and romantic regardless of that it's normalizing (like you can guess yours to claim totally is normalizing it) but there's a huge difference between glorifying rape and including it in the story for psychological reasons (like portraying how damaging it is for the victim) so i don't agree that rape being introduced to fiction was wrong in all circumstances.

    back to yahwi stans, you can't just assume that all these people are rape crazed sociopaths who'd be oblivious to the suffering of a rape victim irl and have no boundries. now, imagine a character you liked dying in a manga, would it hurt you as much as a friend irl dying? obviously no, cause it's fiction. let's say this child is brutally killed in a movie, would it make you feel as much sympathy as hearing the news of a child getting murdered irl? no, cause it's fiction. it's because bakugou is a fictional character that you can ignore him basically making deku's childhood hell and make him your pfp & appreciate his dynamic with another character. it's basically the same as that. in fiction you can ignore certain parts of the characters you don't like or their actions you don't support, in real life you can't. they're aware neither yahwi nor jooin exists irl so i can assure you %99 of people liking villains/morally questionable characters in fiction wouldn't be okay with what they've done if they were a real person. that's why yanderes are so popular anime but the idea of them existing in reality creeps people out. of course there'd be some fucked up people but they're still the minority.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 10:32 pm
    okay- i'm not the type of person who'd say rape in fiction is always a-okay. in case i argued with a lot of people about this and they'd use the same argument, "you don't know how to seperate fiction from reali... bishounensupremacy

    Oh but I will! I will most definitely assume that until I see otherwise. If a friend died ofc yeah I’d be pretty iffy and upset about it but if I hear a baby on the news die it wouldn’t mean anything because to me, they are fictional. If they didn’t exist in my head then they weren’t real. It’s just like that or wtv. It’s the same for everyone else. They wouldn’t really be all that sad because in their head that person never walked this earth, like a nonexistent creature of some sort. Onto bakugou, I didn’t ignore it. It’s more like I excuse him for telling Deku to kill himself and for bullying Deku because that’s normal. You can’t expect to not be bullied or told to off yourself once or twice in your life bc that’s ridiculous. Bakugou and Deku are now friends and are on good terms so what happened 400 chapters ago isn’t relevant anymore anyways. Now, imma have to disagree with u once again. You can ignore all types of actions in real life if u want to because nobody is forcing you and nobody is responsible for your feelings. If they take offense, they take offense. It’s your choice to acknowledge that and it’s your choice to do the opposite. Ofc they’re aware yahwi and jooin don’t exist yeah but they WOULD excuse those actions if they existed. You can’t assure me because you haven’t met any but I’ve been enough. People who literally typed that they wished yahwi and jooin were real so they can see their sex scenes before hand. I even had an argument on Tiktok with multiple people who agreed that they’d let yahwi rape them too. Gross, right? Mmm. I also don’t know if u heard about this but a real life yandere exists and there are people, oh when I tell you there are people, I mean a lot of mfs who said that they idolize them because they are cool. That’s all because of fiction. The fiction they read and took to heart. It had such a big impact on them that they’d actually idolize a murderer. It doesn’t creep out people. They go like “she’s so badass” and “yess a loyal girl who actually killed for her man!!”. I’ve seen it not once, not twice, but too many damn times. THATS why I have a issue with people finding yahwi hot/attractive. I don’t care about whether or not he’s real bc his actions have an impact on REAL PEOPLE. It ain’t no fuckin minority. Not a minority at all.

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 11:10 pm
    Oh but I will! I will most definitely assume that until I see otherwise. If a friend died ofc yeah I’d be pretty iffy and upset about it but if I hear a baby on the news die it wouldn’t mean anything becaus... ejiroustar

    excuse me? this has to be satire lol
    it's hard to believe you're giving people morality lessons on fictional characters when your views on real life crimes are fucked up. i'm guessing you don't really care about news of sexual assault irl either cause it's all fictional if they don't exist in your head? now i feel like the weird one for not being able to sleep for days when i heard about the junko furuta case despite having read tons of tragedy manga with gore before.
    'you excused him for telling deku to kill himself cause that's normal?' don't tell me you think the same about real life bullying. you can ignore all types of actions is real life? did you even try to understand what i'm saying? i'm telling you people can ignore yuno being a serial killer, bakugou acting like a psychopath and yahwi being a rapist because they like certain parts about them and it's easy to ignore the parts they don't like cause no one's really getting hurt, the same logic doesn't work in real life. if you ignore your boyfriend being a violent piece of crap just because you love him you'd freaking die. 'the fiction they read and took to heart' that's like saying we should ban video games cause they make people violent. take the percentage of psycho mfs who think real life yanderes are cool and compare it to the majority, videos getting millions of views and likes talking about why idolizing real life yanderes is fucked up and disgusting.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 11:30 pm
    excuse me? this has to be satire lolit's hard to believe you're giving people morality lessons on fictional characters when your views on real life crimes are fucked up. i'm guessing you don't really care about... bishounensupremacy

    Yup, imma hypocrite and what not. Look over it. Imma sexual assault victim so ofc I’ll sympathize with some people who have been thru the same, that’s a given a suppose. I was also bullied, and I was a bully. Yatayata. We’ve all told someone to kill themself or even thought of it, big fucking deal. We’ve all also thought tormenting someone that we dislike, it’s the same as bullying. We’ll get over it. We’re human, nothin we can do about it tbh. Bakugou isn’t a psychopath at all. Not even close. He’s a mentally unstable teenage boy with a superior complex and a inferiority complex. What’re u not understanding? You have all right to like yahwi at the start but after seeing him rape someone, you should get rid of all those feelings. Nothin in between. You can’t pick and choose what to like about a rapist. Real or not, idgaf. If u want to ignore the fact he raped someone and defend on other things ur insane and fucked up. Doesn’t matter if nobody is getting hurt and once again ur wrong. It works the same way in real life. I’ve already given examples so u can go back and reread if you’d like. Movin on, I’m not the smartest when it comes to relationships and all but I’m pretty sure it’s your choice if u wanna stay with ur violent boyfriend. If u die, that’s on you. Especially if u were warned. I don’t know if u misinterpreted something but I didn’t mean that people are supposed to restrict others from read fiction. I meant that since u were rambling about how it’s fiction, I’d give u an example of how it effects real life matters. Apply reading comprehension. In this day and age, if I compared the amount of people who thought it was cool to the amount who didn’t, the wrong one would win. These days people think it’s cool and badass to do shit like that and once again we’re human so we can’t help it, doesn’t make it right tho or whatever lol.

    Murasaki May 20, 2021 1:23 am
    excuse me? this has to be satire lolit's hard to believe you're giving people morality lessons on fictional characters when your views on real life crimes are fucked up. i'm guessing you don't really care about... bishounensupremacy

    you know, keep arguing with that person is just wasting your time. in their head, its theyre always right . i read all of the comment and its proving my point. just ignore it. dont give the attention to people like this.

    bishounensupremacy May 20, 2021 8:47 am
    Yup, imma hypocrite and what not. Look over it. Imma sexual assault victim so ofc I’ll sympathize with some people who have been thru the same, that’s a given a suppose. I was also bullied, and I was a bull... ejiroustar

    yup, there's one thing which makes sense and it's that you're a hypocrite lol
    i've never ever told someone to kill themselves and i've never been a bully but i'm sure it's hard to understand for someone who majorly struggles with symphatizing things they haven't gone through themselves. let me guess, if you weren't a sexual assault victim you probably wouldn't give a fuck about yahwi stans. thinking of bullying someone isn't the same as doing it, if we went with your logic people who thought of killing others (which all of us did) but didn't do it should be murderers. 'you can't help tormenting things you dislike irl, you're human after all' but you should desperately try to get over your attraction for a fictional character cause that's what's unacceptable mhm. "Bakugou isn’t a psychopath at all." i said 'acting like a psyhopath', lack of empathy for others and bullying is an early sign of aspd.
    "You can’t pick and choose what to like about a rapist." you can, because those are freaking pixels that happened to look attractive, it's not gonna go around raping people, no one's gonna get hurt if you go and say 'this guy's hot', just don't try to justify his actions. you can't pick what to like about real people and ignore their fucked up sides because if you do, someone might get hurt, idk what's so hard to understand about this. if you don't like it we have trigger warnings for a reason. people shouldn't need to walk on eggshells talking about a work of fiction so this random kiribaku shipper will stop giving them moral lessons. "In this day and age, if I compared the amount of people who thought it was cool to the amount who didn’t, the wrong one would win." again, just no. if you look at people over the age of 15 the absolute majority of them would think it's gross, if you only see fucked up people there must be something wrong with the people you choose to interact with.

    bishounensupremacy May 20, 2021 8:50 am
    you know, keep arguing with that person is just wasting your time. in their head, its theyre always right . i read all of the comment and its proving my point. just ignore it. dont give the attention to people ... Murasaki

    yeah lol i will after this

    ejiroustar May 20, 2021 1:21 pm
    yup, there's one thing which makes sense and it's that you're a hypocrite loli've never ever told someone to kill themselves and i've never been a bully but i'm sure it's hard to understand for someone who majo... bishounensupremacy

    Hmm, if you’ve never told someone to kill themself and never bullied anyone you’re extremely strange. I do sympathize with a lot of things I haven’t experienced, I just choose not to sometimes and it doesn’t really matter tbh bc if I do or don’t the world will still spin, people will still die, and people will continue to do bad things. Who cares about how one person in this world of 100 billion people feels about a situation that doesn’t concern that. Caring ≠ sympathizing. Therefore I am allowed to care about a situation without being sympathetic. If I wasn’t a sexual assault victim, I’d be the same way. That happened like 3 years ago so I’m over it tbh, it just makes me a lil annoyed considering the fact that it still happened to me. If you went with my logic (correctly) thinking of killing someone is the same as murdering them. Literally. I said that “Thinking of tormenting someone is the same as bullying” which means that, tormenting someone = bullying them. I never said anything about them becoming a bully for having those thoughts so you can’t become a murderer for having those thoughts either. You just become a really bad person but it isn’t your fault lol. You don’t have to get over your attraction to any fictional character as long as they aren’t a rapist (in this case). Imagine sitting down with your family while watching the news and you hear “Man rapes and kills little girl” then get up and go call a rapist hot. Fictional rapist come off of real people. As I said before, fictional rapists wouldn’t exist without real ones. It’s disgusting to know that people take the traumatic shit others go thru in real life and try to romanticize it in fiction. It’s accepted so much in this story too considering the fact I spoke with 2 Yahwi stans who justified his rape with “Jooin initiated it” and “Jooin liked it”. THAT is the shit it does to people. Instead of actually thinking about it logically, they say “oh it isn’t real and it seemed like Jooin liked it so he didn’t do anything wrong”. A switch in their brain turns on and they automatically start to think that, didn’t mind/liked it = perfectly fine. What if a person who was raped while they were drunk heard some shit like that, smh. Bakugou doesn’t lack empathy for others at all. If he did he wouldn’t have (spoiler?) jumped in front of a life threatening attack while he was on the verge of death to save the same person he bullied for years. Only agreeable thing is the fact that he might have slight aspd. Ofc some lines on a paper won’t go around raping people lol, but the ones who see those lines on a paper will. They can be influenced and it’ll be easy considering how much they like what they’re reading. It’ll be child’s play to influence someone really young too. It’s more than possible (probably already happened) for a young girl to be reading something where a woman threatens to falsely accuse a man of rape and think “woah she’s so cool” then grow up to think that shit is okay. You can pick and choose what to like about real people. Simply because they’re real. We’re all the same so what’s the point in hating everything about each other, it’s self insulting at its finest tbh. If you get hurt, that’s on you. You’re in control of your life and your actions lead to that moment. It could’ve been avoided most definitely yeah but you didn’t think about your choices so you deal with the consequences. It’s natural. I hate trigger warnings so im not going to get into detail about those useless things, it’s just a amazing representation of how selfish and overbearing society really is. People walk on eggshells everyday of their life and they choose not to in a situation like this (which really isn’t any of my business, it just bothers me) and it just proves that they know better. This random kiribaku shipper shouldn’t need to give them “moral lesson” because it should be common sense. I’m not even giving anyone moral lessons because what can a self centered hypocrite like me tell anyone about living by morals? It wouldn’t and doesn’t add up silly. Alsooooo, I am talking about all ages. Grown ass women and men, young ass girls and boys, teenagers, everybody. All ages fall under this category. Your age doesn’t determine your actions or how you think so it isn’t surprising to have weirdos like these above 15. Being a edgelord and being a psycho is normalized on social media and irl now so I guarantee that the number of people who think it’s cool overthrows the number of the ones who don’t. Maybe it’ll change, maybe it won’t. People are stupid and love to fit in. If you don’t, people think you’re the “weird and different” one and it’s bothersome. I don’t have to interact with people to know the weird ass shit they do. It’s so normalized that they make it public and think they’re doing the right thing. There are some who put them in check and there are others who agree. I’m just the one who watches it go by because who am I to try and stop them, I can’t relate to them and I haven’t been in that type of situation so there’s nothin I can do about it. Maybe you should open your eyes and pay attention to reality because this is the shit that happens while you’re not getting your daily dose of life. Feel free to not reply to this if u want (saying this bc I seen your other comment), afterall I’m just opening the doors that lead into the real world for you.

ejiroustar May 19, 2021 1:33 pm

LMFOAOAO start cryin Yahwi because I give not one, not two, not even three..but 0 fucks. Take yer “I’m getting character development” ass off a clif. Talkin bout some “I never wanna go back to how it was before” yeah, before ya tasted these voluptuous nutz #gottem. How’re ya gonna rape a mf and be like “Shiii, I was just tryna make him smile, I don’t know why, but he’s s-s-special to me..</3” like don’t make me get real violent now lil boy. I’ll fuck that ass up like on god on god. If ya didn’t know what to do then just give up. Don’t continuously hurt em more and act like it’s okay. People like u make me wanna spit a big ass yellow cold into the air and have it splat on yer face. You got me fucked up. Mfs shoulda kept yer stupid self in that dark ass room until u started to rot. Don’t think yer off the hook tho Jooin. Yer definitely the most difficult mf to deal with in this. Did ya shit ur brains out? Did chucks of yer brain fly out of yer penis? Ofc he don’t know how u fuckin feel. He ain’t even tryin. Take yer head out the clouds and see where he has his. In the fucking gutter. Both y’all are lost and incapable of using yer heads and y’all don’t even know. Truly a pathetic bunch. This that “Idiot 1 + Idiot 2 = <3 uwu owo.” type shit. Sigh. Maybe if y’all have this big fight and jooin runs off into the street and gets hit by a fucking truck, just maybe, y’all could actually talk somethin out and finally finish shit (I also just wanna see him hit by a truck but ya know..). This has dragged on for too damn long. I do not care about ur sad sap story yahwi. I do not want to hug u and give u kisses. I want to curbstomp u and leave yer ugly ass to bleed out inna ally way. Get yer shit together dude. Go find someone else cause this? This isn’t workin out for ya. At this point it seems like u need to gather up some common sense, not a boyfriend. Or, y’all can both get into an accident and rip #restinpissuglies. Anything is fine tbh, as long as it get’s the job done .

Sincerely - Ejiroustar

    Ailis May 19, 2021 1:33 pm

    LMAOOO best comment i have ever read I was laughing so hard thanks

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 1:36 pm
    LMAOOO best comment i have ever read I was laughing so hard thanks Ailis

    Yer welcome.

ejiroustar May 18, 2021 7:09 pm

I’m literally sniffling and sobbing right now. This was the cutest shit ever and I had to scream and run when I saw Bakugou crying. This isn’t fair.

    JayCee June 1, 2021 2:29 pm

    I dropped my phone multiple times to calm down

    ejiroustar June 1, 2021 2:32 pm
    I dropped my phone multiple times to calm down JayCee


ejiroustar May 17, 2021 2:03 pm

Whew, I was reading this and getting infuriated so I was when I’m done “lemme rant on jooin’s annoying ass real quick”, right? Now I come to the comments and see other mfs slanderin him which is makin me so happy. Finally y’all see how annoying and dense jooin is. Ion know if he’s blinded by the dick but he needa get them eyes checked tf out. How stupid do ya got ta be to believe the words of a person who hurtcha MULTIPLE times and doubt Cain who treats ya as if you’re a king? Hmm? Exactly. Ya’s a dumbass who got no conscious. Tbh, I hope Cain and Yahwi leave you and go bout their business so you can finally choose cause this shit gettin on my nerves now. Actin like ya neva heard of ennie meenie miney mo or seven up. It ain’t that hard. Option one, treats ya like shit and manipulates ya. Option two, cares for ya and would do anything to please ya. THIS SHOULD BE CLEAR. Are yer eyes blurry? Do ya need glasses?? What, do ya need to be dicked down by both at the same time to decide? Is yer hole attention deprived? What is wronggg. I suppose I can’t really expect anythin much tho cause the authors other story was just as irritatin in all honesty. I’m sorry if I seem like I’m complaining but TELL ME HOW A MF WAITS IN THE COLD FOR YA TO COME BACK AND YA STORM OFF OVER SOME AFFECTION?? Treatin him like yer sneaky link, how disrespectful. Are ya blind, tf u waitin on? Yahwi raped ya multiple times and now yer like “hnnng why can’t daddy gimme a little respect” LIKE WHAT? YER DUMBASS WILL GET NO RESPECT. Yer like my underwear, once it gets soaked up with blood when I’m on my period, I throw it out. That’s what he’ll do to ya and u don’t even realize it. Do ya know how much some people would kill for somethin like what Cain gives ya? Yer a brain dead sack of cow dung. Yer lucky god is with ya Jooin because if I EVER metcha in real life I’d leave ya with a black eye and multiple broken bones, I am not playin. Yer ass would have to file a hundred restraining orders on me. I knew I couldn’t have expected shit from ya the first time I read this cause I COULD SEE, LIKE I HAD A MF THIRD EYE, I SAW HOW MUCH OF A DISAPPOINTMENT YER ASS WOULD BE. I am never wrong. Not me, hah. Ya got 0 character development and yer black haired sneaky link got none too. “Yours to claim” ya better claim deez nutz Jooin and Yahwi. Hol on tho, don’t get me wrong, I hate Cain too . But he’s the only decent person is this story. He lacks common sense and knowledge too, yah, but at the end of the day, what can ya expect from a blondie. I don’t know what ya see in Jooin but purr go off doggy #beastality. Even though I think ya deserve better, imma let u slide bc ya’s a simp. At this point I’m jus readin to watch people get they feelins hurt. All these fuckers are a mess and I can’t wait for them to be even more miserable,
#prayingforjooinsdownfall. That’s all I have to say. Actually it isn’t but I wanna stay friendly, ya know? Not gettin too aggressive and all. This is the end of my ranting. In conclusion, I hate Yahwi, Jooin, and Cain #stanejiroustar. All y’all r social rejects and should be shunned by the public. I’m even growing into my homophobic stage due to u ignorant fruity pebbles #burntheinfinitystones #downwiththegays. I hope all of ya have a nice day, eat a good breakfast, and get some good sleep in the night (not any of y’all who like Jooin and Yahwi though, I hope onto ya wake up with back pain, I hope three flys land in yer breakfast, and I hope ya have to sleep with thousands of crumbs on yer bed. do not have a good day). Love the rest of y’all though, mwah.

| Oh btw I ain’t slanderin the Author, I actually really respect them for putting their time into making this even if It don’t sit right with me. |

Sincerely - Ejiroustar

    ejiroustar May 17, 2021 2:15 pm

    Ya know this seems quite aggressive since there’s no emojis..I wanted to put some but mangago didn’t let me, sigh. Why’re ya doin this ta me mangago.

    fannnngirl May 17, 2021 2:34 pm

    don't know but i reaf the whole thing in hagrid's voice

    RoseLovato May 18, 2021 12:13 am

    God I love this comment so much and I fully agree. Honestly (even tho ik it won't happen) I pray that the toxic bitch yawhi leaves that dumbfuck jooin, and his stupid dick hungry ass realizes how dumb he was. And I sincerely on my knees hope he doesn't have Cain to fall back on because he doesn't deserve him. But in this ain't gonna happen and he's gonna get his happy sparkly fairytale ending ughhh

    ejiroustar May 18, 2021 12:35 am
    God I love this comment so much and I fully agree. Honestly (even tho ik it won't happen) I pray that the toxic bitch yawhi leaves that dumbfuck jooin, and his stupid dick hungry ass realizes how dumb he was. A... RoseLovato

    I swear to god. Ya know what, I like yer attitude. Let’s be comrades and wish for Jooins downfall together.

    RoseLovato May 21, 2021 5:46 am
    I swear to god. Ya know what, I like yer attitude. Let’s be comrades and wish for Jooins downfall together. ejiroustar


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