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korenaninekoo created a topic of In The Deep

the art is amazing and storyline too the manhwa as a whole is capturing but characters are lil annoying to me.. hope they have some development by time

korenaninekoo created a topic of Profundis

wow i didn't see this coming.. but i understand since mc doesn't have all his marbles right now he's trying to dissemble his pain by nestling into ml more. kinda feel sad about him. let's see if these feeling will turn into real ones and ml's flag turn into green

imagine being so flirtatious that you went viral lol it's kinda cute tho. i'm 100% sure the omega incident caused by the same alpha that troubles the mc. dude is weird what is his intentions

korenaninekoo created a topic of Can't Think Straight

NOO DON'T END IT HERE WE'RE JUST STARTING anyways, i had so much fun in this season so i will patiently wait for more. also, the last part was really the best i never imagined something like that let's see what happend


i'm dying here laughing about all the comments refering to top's third leg lmao

korenaninekoo created a topic of Get It Together!

it could have a better ending you know.. i like the character development of mc and behavior of ml but forgiving the manipulating 'friend' was too much tbh. he stole the eight years of your life and break the relationship with your loved one then after the reuniting he STILL went for the same tricks and to make matters worse he kidnapped you and you still forgave him... it's just plain stupid to me but i liked the general story so 3/5

TEARS ON MY EYES that was beautiful!! the storyline was entertaining, art style was good and there were not a boring chapter i really enjoyed reading this. now i'm just hoping to see some extras

korenaninekoo created a topic of ARTS MANZ

i hate love triangles the most i don't even know why i started this in the first place but i hate the most when mc is being a b*tch so byeee

korenaninekoo created a topic of ARTS MANZ

great.. now uke is being a jerk too..

i thought the end was gonna be like top dumped bottom and grow apart with his friend. then one day he'll see his ex on campus and when his friend asks 'who's he' he'll say 'just a sunbae I know'. admit it, my ending is more satisfying.. anyways this is gonna get 1/10 just bc of the red haired cause he was rational untill the end

korenaninekoo created a topic of Until Morning Light

i really liked the story in general. this wasn't the typical red flag esper x ingenuous guide story so i had a good time reading it. the only annoyance for me is there was some questions left unanswered like what happend to the mr. doh, did the female researcher gave him the keys to escape or it was for something else? what about the esper's guild, did they really never search for their most valuable esper? and how are our couple's lives now, where are they and are their friends with them? i have so many questions lol it'd be good to get the answers but still not bad of an ending. 6/10 for me ♡

korenaninekoo created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

omg that was SO CUTE ╥﹏╥ i'm happy everything was solved and they formed a cute family together. will always remember this one as one of the cutest stories i've ever read. 7/10

korenaninekoo created a topic of ARTS MANZ

so the red hair is a part time bully and part time mf.. oh i'm so in team black hair (aka dochan?)

korenaninekoo created a topic of Jinx

i saw that the original story had 'obsessive top' in its tags, so i can't decide if this mf will become more toxic or grow a pear.. let's see bout that..

korenaninekoo created a topic of Jinx

FINALLY SEPERATION ARC!! that was a good season finale but i'm still not happy about uke's behavior like even after everything he's been through because of ml he's only leaving bc he's 'not needed' not bc he's being treated like shit.. i hope he grows a backbone in next season

korenaninekoo created a topic of Neighbor

if i had to describe this manga i'd go with f*cked up. fr. both mc are as*h*les. one's a coward hiding behind his past and problems and use this as an excuse to cheat more on his so-called-loved-dearly boyfriend. other is just confused about everythink and use this too cheat too. not even gonna mention the red haired b*tch, he's a different type of as*h*le... honestly i waited 'till this chapter to see a tiny bit of a progress about them but now i'm sure this'll only gonna get worst. i feel like i'm watching a cheap a*s youth series...

THEY REALLY ARE A FLUFFY SQUISHY FAMILY IM CRYING i think this ended bc i saw the chapter they got married on tw and GUYS THE BABY IS THE CUTEST OF ALL!! also he's the spitting image of his leopard father lol anyways it has 60 chapters and completed(?) already so i just highly hope a translate team pick this up so i can add some peace and joy into my life (as i'm poisoned from overload stress )

didn't get what ml meant at the end but i just want him and that shitty omega to disappear to hell can't wait to jihyuk to kick them in the back and dive in his bad bish era

korenaninekoo created a topic of High Pulse

i think it's pretty obvious he's gonna present as an omega but okay let's pretent it's not.. btw i think the problem with this story is there's always a misunderstanding and it never ends. i mean ofc they should add a little spice on the story to make it exciting but in this case, it's like we're living the same thing as if we're in a loop and it makes the manga boring in some way. wish there were some different events happening too but for that i guess we have to wait for season 2 or something..