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23042015 June 13, 2021 8:35 pm

Nothing about this manhwa is confusing. If you don't get it, you are not really reading it.

23042015 June 12, 2021 10:54 pm

The rape was so unnecessary and not because Sooyoung is suffering, actually I don't mind it if he suffers at all as long as it is relevant for the plot but for what was this ? Why would Minhyuk do this when he should be thinking how to win Sooyoung for himself. Instead of getting mad at someone who is beaten almost to dead and can't even open his eyes, he should use the sitation in his favor and tell Sooyoung that he is Minhyuk and that he saved him and not Teaseung and when Sooyoung finally ends up getting better he should tell that Teaseung almost let him die the last time. Maybe he will do all of that after Sooyoung wakes up because he is the mole and won't give Sooyoung anyway but still what was the point of the rape ? Not only plot wise but also for Minhyuks character. He does not even enjoy it and ends up feeling bad afterwards, so why ? Maybe Sooyoung will remember this time (probably not now but later)and we will have a lot of drama between Minhyuk and him, only then it would end being not pointless but otherwise it was just a cheap fanservice that the story did not need.

    Tee25 June 13, 2021 3:41 am

    i honestly think the author did it for shock effect and to please mh stans who ship him with sy because him and ts are endgame. it was done in such a horrible way, i don't see why anyone will still like him. i'm def team ts but i thought the same thing, if he really wanted sy there were better ways for him to go about getting him but he's also a psychopath and wanted to see sy's crying face so this is what he went with instead. maybe he realised it's too late and sy is already in love with ts.

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