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tracethingy's feed

all this time im trying my best to understand the ml because the sa agnes did to him was ofc wrong. but the more i read his pov the more i know it's just a bunch of unlogical reasons of 'this is why i hate her' & the most crazy thing is that how he think the fl wouldn't hate him back in response OF ALL THOSE BULLSHIT HE DID TO HER. like who do you think you are really?! she's not an angel & you're not a god, why would she have to forgive every mistakes you do?????? SHE HAS THE RIGHTS TO HATE YOU TO THE FUCKING CORE OF HER HEART
you could have easily solve the problem or maybe the problem wouldn't even start IF ONLY YOU ADMIT YOUR FEELING FOR HER! IF ONLY YOU COMMUNICATE IT PROPERLY TO HER! it's that simple yet you with that fucking brain of yours chose to leave the explanation for the later thinking she would understand when she's just a human who will not understand if you don't say it loudly & clearly!