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tracethingy created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

everytime diana show up, she did nothing but always make me hate her even more :]
just like when hestia ask her JUST TO APOLOGIZE to kaelus aka basically someone's important to her, but then she shouted "he love me!!" SO WHAT BITCH?! if he love you then you don't have to apologize for something you did wrong???? what kind of a saint having that way of thought?!
just say that you dont want to admit that you are actually wrong cuz all your life you thought you're the epitome of the truth but turns out you are actually a devil¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

oh damn, the ogfl is a bitch for sure

i hope this story gonna end like "kill the villainess" where she really go back to her world because that's the premise from the start, not like other stories where they just thought that "well i think living here isn't so bad after all". also, i think right now isn't the right time for love. clearing the quests should be the priority, even tho i, myself, want to see renee to have some cute progress with my lovely seydin

im soooo happy to see so many characters are going through high speed development when the new season just started!! killian is now more suspicious towards liz & cliff, anna seems more attentive to edith's safety, i think lenon also, and well i didnt expect the duke to do that to cliff!! that kidnapping accident really affected the story so much! im so relieved when the duke cut off cliff while he was arguing with edith, like MAN YOU FINALLY SEE HOW UNREASONABLE YOUR FIRST SON AREEEE!!(ノ`Д´)ノ

after rereading the official translation, if i can say something then it would be that rhyse & cliff actually make a good-worst couple. from what i see, cliff's level of obsession towards rhyse might increased. like he would be those toxic lover if you don't know how to handle them. that's just make cliff the same kind like rhyse actual self. she's soooo obsessed with being this female lead in her story that she would kill those poor innocent girls so she would never get old & would always be the center of the world. so in sense that i said cliff & rhyse will make a good-worst couple is that they will completely breaking each other by their toxicity after every misdeeds they do :D

ik christina's past behaviour isn't great, but to suspect her to the point threatening her to death just bcz some witnesses said they saw her steal it or something without any other proof is just stupid. if the prince is smart, he shouldn't have just focus on christina but investigate everyone that's possible to do that, no?

ohooo will nissus gonna be an important character? cuz from the look of it he's not easily affected by those dark thing lina has

if it's not in here, this site, where can i read the translations from akumakira??

tracethingy created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

well, gentlemen helios, if you want to protect your beloved diana please start with trying to change her like her way of thinking and behavior, that's the real problem here yk? idk if you're stupid, blind, or just ignorant at this rate.

maybe you should slap that father of yours in front of everyone in the party later! cause how dare he do thaaattttt even that ante is soooooo annoying he's just a coward i think what the hell are you running from? you know that it was your sister that slay the dragon right?!

tracethingy created a topic of Heart Stain

I'm gonna re-read it guys wish me luck!!!

I feel sooooo angry anytime he said that he's not a good person, like UUUURRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH its make me hate his family even moooorrreeeee!!!!! I swear every person who got the chance to get to know him personally will gradually knows that he is an incredibly good person, so anyone who says that he's not are the bad one! ಠωಠ

tracethingy created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

OMG CIRRUS!!! you shouldn't say that to my precious baby chan-il i know you have your own problems, trauma, and maybe another feeling of being intimidated by chan-il cause skylar used to liked him BUT NO!!!! he's genuinely care for you and sincerely want to be friends with you, cirruuuuuuusssss boy need therapy, cause no matter what happened to him in the past didn't give him excuse to hurt others!

i dont know how many times those poeple said "sorry, but..." NO BUT PLEASE!!! do you think you bullshit reasons will make her live longer?!

does anyone knows where can i read another translation with more chapters? i already got the raws so i just can't wait to know what it means ┐(´д`)┌

tracethingy created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

i think we all have the same thoughts:
the teacher deserves to die

your reasons just sound like a bunch of trashy shitty excuses. and im so tired of the plot where the male finally attracted to the female when she change to different person while hating her deeply in the past. sedin is better, he didn't blindly believe the rumors about renee coz he haven't met her personally & he's someone who can said what he really want without any excuses.

i read a lot stories where they said the fl is the strongest swordmanship or blablabla but when she compete with ml she would always lose. like they are telling, us women can't never win against men. but in here SHE ACTUALLY MORE BETTER THAN HIM AND HE'S ACTUALLY CAN'T HIT HER EVEN ONCE!

my heart feels lighter now that i find it! thank you!