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[from cotton candy scans]Ririka is a high school girl who lives alone with her father. Despite not h...

  • Author: Rukana
  • Genres: Romance / School Life / Slice Of Life
Phinh created a topic of Beware of the Brothers!

Idk about you all but this just doesn’t sit well with me ahahah. Sorry if this comment ruined your mood. But it just doesn’t sit right with me how they are siblings and it feels awkward when they make out. Maybe it’s bcus I dropped it and picked it up and only read the recent chapters. But it’s weird bcus they are still siblings, blood related or not.

Phinh created a topic of Unholy Night

I’ve read this twice and still have this feelings that he should explain even tho he doesn’t have to lol

Phinh created a topic of A Beastly Scandal

Gurly, i hate to break this to you but he sees you as a brother. (^^)

Phinh created a topic of A Beastly Scandal


Phinh created a topic of Exotic Love
Phinh created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

I knew it! It was sus at first sight hohohohoho

Phinh created a topic of Beast with Flowers

Ugh I can’t wth this manhwa. This got me wheezing so hard

Phinh created a topic of Bring the Love

Ughhhh I’m too happy my head is throbbing. This is too cute wth!

Phinh created a topic of Silent Lover

I was expecting tears bcus I want to read something sad and cry but where are the tears? Maybe bcus I read abt much more painful stuffs than this ahah

Phinh created a topic of A Beastly Scandal

I don’t know why these girls childhood friend be acting so privileged when it comes to their guy childhood friend but, girl, you need to get a reality check. Not tryna be rude or something but if he really feels something for you, he wouldn’t be messing with other girls. And knowing Beomi, he would’ve confessed to you if he liked you. So umm Sheesh? Teehee

Phinh created a topic of Orokamono No Koi

Fls in shoujo mangas are so dumb and so desperate for love like can’t you find someone else after getting reject not once but twice not twice but many times and only get to be with him just because you almost died while trying to save his bro? Gurlllll too selfless, can’t relate.

Phinh created a topic of Be My Baby (Haruyama Moto)

Okay I expected that he was the uke but it’s still kinda weird xD

Phinh created a topic of Under My Skin

Seme’s so gentle o(>.<)o

Phinh created a topic of Getsuyoubi no Koibito

He’s too selfish and all the FL is too selfless. Watching your partner kiss another girl in front you and being his girlfriend despite knowing he has other girlfriends? Can’t relate.

It’s 3:19AM :) what did I just read :D