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Aelys April 21, 2024 8:09 pm

I rereading the chaters and while Ririko is still a... Unique character to say the least, the possibility of Meguru being the child of the mafia guy does make a bit of sense for the "not DNA test" thing from chapt 1. It's played off as a joke in her will but I wonder if it as her way of protecting Meguru from her actual bio dad... Or maybe I'm giving her too much credit lol.
But it seems Ririko did care about her daughter and probably rather entrusted her with our main characters rather than a mafia boss, which, yeah makes sense

On another note, I'm really enjoying the character developpement from the last few chapters, great story!

    Brasia May 21, 2024 5:28 pm

    how did you figure that out ?

    Aelys May 21, 2024 8:39 pm
    how did you figure that out ? Brasia

    I didn't really figure it out, it was more of a theory, but after the recent chapter it seems my guess was correct! ^-^
    What ticked my off was the same scene that Touma remembers in chapter 10

    Brasia May 23, 2024 1:58 pm

    got it

Aelys April 13, 2024 1:03 pm

In my opinion (that engages only myself and you do not have to agree) at the end of the day, many stories and this one in particular, are "fantasies". Of course not all of them are, there are a lot of great stories out there that stay grounded and I love them too
But Define The Relationship falls into the category of "fantasy", where the perfect man will find himself to the protagonist and love them unconditionnaly... And they have logic defying sex.

I admit that I was not the biggest fan of the latest chapters myself (got a bit long in my opinion) and a content warning would have been welcomed seeing all the readers who where put off by them. BUT, this comic is still a fantasy and thus, do not HAVE to adhere to all the green flags of a relationship. It doesn't own it to you

If you are put off by this, you are well withing your right! You just unfortunatly discovered that this story is not what you thought it was. There are plenty of well thought out Omegaverses out there which discuss the issues of consent that comes with the genre. This is simply not one of them, this one indulge in the "fantasy" of being too horny to reason. Maybe it's not your thing, you don't have to apply morals to this. Fantasy doesn't care about morals. I mean you can, I'm not gonna tell you what to do. But as it's not what the comic was written for, it's not really going to change much.

Non-Consent or Consensual Non-Consent is very prevalent in media because the story is the "scenario" or the "scene", these characters often don't discuss consent because the consent has been established by the reader engaging with the scenario. I don't know if I'm making much sense but once the fantasy started you don't want to interupt it because the fictional characters have to check-in on each others right ?

That's the conclusion I came to after thinking about the recent chapters.

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