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STELLARJOON add 1 photos to simp corner ♡

I fell a bit too hard

STELLARJOON add 1 photos to simp corner ♡

manifesting this

STELLARJOON add 1 photos to simp corner ♡

i fell a bit too hard

STELLARJOON followed question about manga hunt

the stories that you always come back again and again and just can't stop rereading that again and again and again--- ok i'll stop . . . pls reply to thiss, i need moar to read. btw mine is hosik's story ლ(´ ❥ `ლ)

30 06,2021
STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

somang and hamin hugging in her dream. i cant do thisbejwkwjdhdj

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

i think i relate to gaeul (somang's friend) the most in this entire story. her lil dialogue is really important to me, it really rings true. it's a nice early bday gift, i appreciate it a lot

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

a while back, i was in a really dark place. I'd been in it for a few years. I hated existing. It was painful, messy, and i simply wasn't strong enough to do it. it took a lot out of me. 2016-20 were my worst years - i turned into the worst version of myself, and everyday i look back on that, and feel an indescribable sadness. i contemplated suicide a lot. but, i was too scared, and that eventually became a different branch of self hatred. i never had that epiphany, thag defining moment where i knew my life was worth living, but im slowly getting there. even though it's difficult, im focusing on things that make me happy. even though it's a slow process, im focusing on things I want to live for. and im glad i hung in there long enough to come across this story. every so often, i find a gem like this that reminds me of the importance of life. thank you so much author. thank you hamin and somang, for reminding me of the things i should live for :,)

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom


STELLARJOON created a topic of Tokyo Revengers

this new generation of shounen manga is something else....takemichi is by far one of the best MCs I've seen in a while. His physical capabilities compared to those around him obviously run short, but his sheer mental strength and drive? his determination ? the author really took all the attributes shonen protags are meant to have and made them better GOD I LOVE THIS MANGA SO MUCH JAJAIAIAIAIW8S haven't rooted for a character like this since haikyuu :,)

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

im so glad that he had somang. despite her flaws, she really was genuine with him. im glad he had someone that could testify for his character when he left the earth. the only person who got to know the real him. both a blessing, and a curse for her. i wonder if we'll get a special chapter where she and hamin meet again :, ( that's all I want mannnn

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

im so glad seonhui is somewhat getting closure as well :( her and jaemin are too interlinked regarding their pain, so I don't think a relationship is what they should pursue (that other guy tho seems like a pretty good candidate ) but a newly founded friendship, devoid of their feelings of guilt. one wherein they can now wholeheartedly support each other, without any lingering regrets

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

somang's explanation to jaemin saddened me yet warmed my heart at the same time. the acceptance that it's not their fault that he's gone, but the realisation of all the tell-tale signs of his pain. their hug at the end was just so powerful. remember how they had started - it pained somang to look at jaemin before, and jaemin blamed her for his brother's death. but look at them now. this development is so important to me, and to those who have lost loved ones to suicide. it really shows that the healing process will come, after the rain.

STELLARJOON created a topic of Seasons of Blossom

Hamin had such a beautiful soul. im sobbing so hard right now - we've all known he's dead, but it's finally settled in. the way the author has beautifully translated the pain of losing someone and loving someone, I can't comprehend it. this is all too visceral, too real. this is such a beautifully sad story. he loved jaemin and somang so much, and to see the people he loved the most start to heal - he must be so proud, wherever he is.

STELLARJOON followed question about what do you want in life

Put ur name here and get urself a character here ️ And create ur character here️ And well....yes show me if u wanna hha xD I will put mine below

19 06,2021
STELLARJOON created a topic of How to fight

what did taejoon park do to master all the best actually invested in this romantic sub plot along with the actual fighting, character arcs and back stories, and the very much illegal activity we're about to delve into

STELLARJOON created a topic of How to fight

the artist knew what they were doing with those angles of bomi's mom..mad respect