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kanhi created a topic of Backlight

Does anyone have the raws?

kanhi created a topic of Nerd Project

Hello does anyone have the raws??

kanhi created a topic of Backlight

omg i kike this. this is so good. can't wait for them to communicate abt their past/feelings.

kanhi created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome
kanhi created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

Now playing "The Man" by Taylor Swift

kanhi created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

i like how white haired guy asked for permission and all

kanhi created a topic of Under the Green Light

Does anyone have the raws????

kanhi created a topic of Defense Mechanism

Potangina ka red flag. Byee I'mma go back rereading my green flag yaoi(s)

kanhi created a topic of December

No way that season ended like that

kanhi created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome


kanhi created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune
kanhi created a topic of Full volume

ackk lemme bawl my eyes out. this chapter actually hit a nerve on me. not being able to come out to your family sucks in my case my family is conservative and Catholics so telling them that i like a person with the same sex would drive them mad.

kanhi like photo (from Album)
kanhi like topic of Smyrna & Capri
kanhi created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
kanhi created a topic of Under the Green Light

enough with talking with your dicks, i want you guys to talk with your mouth!!!