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김밥★彡's experience ( All 0 )

김밥★彡's answer ( All 5 )

if i was a dude i‘d probably have that fruity ass bowl cut every asian child had but ill go with this version   1 reply
20 06,2021
i’d be that one character that just wants to help but everyone hates for no reason   reply
20 06,2021
about question
this kinda what i look like? they don’t have freckles smh   reply
20 06,2021

김밥★彡's question ( All 1 )

about question
i accidentally posted this on the wrong question board before, so if you saw this already no you didn’t. ( ̄▽ ̄;)

i saw someone ask this question on another (not manga yaoi or yuri related) platform and i thought it’s a pretty interesting question.

by „non-sexual thing that turns you on“ i mean pretty much anything.
it can be a personality trait or a body part or whatever.

for example: for me it’s good hygiene and tattoos
20 06,2021