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Title Update Recommend
Beautifully written(30) 2024-06-13 0
Cute/Beautiful Art(91) 2024-01-03 0
Emotional(51) 2023-08-24 0
Female Leads(55) 2021-10-08 0

Tiny's topics ( All 1 )

Tiny April 25, 2017 2:57 am

Do anyone know a manga where there is a Buddhist priest who was originally a Christian but was conflicted because he had feelings for another guy? He then talked to a priest and he suggested he prayed in the mountain and when he comes back and he still has feelings then he should accept it. I think he has green eyes

Tiny's questions ( All 1 )

Tiny June 20, 2021 8:44 pm

I'm looking for a manwha where the female lead sneaked out to have a one night stand to avoid a marriage arranged by her abusive father. She got pregnant with a son. The marriage was called off. She was forced to stay in a basement and endured more abuse. After a couple years, her father married her off to someone who happened to be the same guy she had a one night stand with. He had a “negative” reputation, but he was really nice to her and her son. He was actually searching for her, and he remembered her when she arrived at the house! I will appreciate any leads that you guys have!

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