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ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

… and punching the goddamn air

ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Overclock

…as nothing in San Jose ever goes until dawn lol.

ChiisanaTsubasa answered question about thank yaoi for existing
When they have sex with their pants on, but zippers are down… ngl, it takes me out of it because the reality of how messy it could get along with the zipper being so close to their junk with all of that movement… oof.
ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Literally already did the living together thing??

…. The plot is entertaining. I don’t get the low rating.

ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Star Struck

…the same level of anger when I see Han Jei of Rocket Science Love. Different sides of the same damn coin.

Meme moment after Neutaaa’s makeover.

ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

It’s just always chaos with him around… lol

lol excited for this one!

…but in a good way..l.

Sauuuurrrr cute!

ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Diss Love

Toying with their prey. I love it.

..just one indignity after the other….

ChiisanaTsubasa created a topic of Someone Like You

Might as well put a physical fence around Shiwoo on the spot. My goodness. Hahahaha.

…every time I read this. ISTG