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Violet123 created a topic of Sacrifice Mansion

It was a horror/gore manga and ppl are mad that it was gory? Gtfoh, this was a great oneshot.

Violet123 created a topic of Impossible Love Suicide

I loved everything about this, had a good laugh too.

Violet123 created a topic of Why Is it You?

Imma be real, I wouldn't waste my time on reading this for anyone considering. Story wise, it just doesn't hit and the only worth while sex scene is Owen being toped, and it only happens at the very end. I wanted more for this story but it just fell flat. It's a surface level story with bland and overdone themes. I hate to say it, but ... no.

Violet123 created a topic of Under the Green Light

I feel like it's so difficult to find yaoi manga that has two masculine guys that aren't too muscular that it borders on Bara. Can't wait for more updates!!!

Violet123 created a topic of My Teacher

Now, as an avid yaoi manga reader, I have nothing against the genre but yall are really bugging in these comments pretending yaoi isn't just porn with bad plots. There are some great yaoi out here but don't pretend like yaoi is superior to anything cause it's not. I've read plenty and significantly more yaoi stories with plots exactly like this or with similar plots. The vast majority of you girls love fetishizing gay relationships and it needs to stop. And stop shitting on this author and their work.

Violet123 created a topic of Put a Smile On

Yeahhhhh, that ending ain't it. Someone better add some side chapters or something. That was beyondddddd anticlimactic, it feels almost pointless to have read this with that type of ending.

Violet123 created a topic of Private Scandal

Let's really put it into perspective how fucked up Iliyan's dad truly is. Not only did he neglect him as a child, he maliciously plotted out how to make his child addicted to alcohol, something that destroys ppl everyday. He then allowed a pervert stalker to take control of Iliyan's life, knowing full well what this meant for Iliyan. He then found joy and laughter in this stalker's continued destruction of his son. But to top it off, this bastard has the fucking gull, to not only have another child, but to then flaunt his good relationship with said child in front of the man he abused from a young age. This bitch needs to die. Period. If he doesn't have some form of fucked up karma thrusted upon him, the story will feel incomplete for me. Poor fucking ilyan, I'd also like to add that I fuckingggggg LOVE Kyle Hackman!

Violet123 created a topic of Katsubou Animajemera

Lmaoo, honestly a cute manga but that last chapter with that over-the-top censoring had me deadddddd. Like even the nipples tho?!?

Violet123 followed a goer
27 05,2021
Violet123 created a topic of Unfather

Don't really get how anyone has sympathy for the mom, she ignored every sign by this garbage dude and actively chose him over her son to her own detriment. I'd say she deserved it if I didn't want Kang to be dead instead. The son was just stupid, its okay to secure your bag but be smart about it. For all the shit talking he did, the son never did anything that made sense, like, idk, calling the cops? Record you interactions with that dirty old man?! Shit, just do anything instead of coming up with these kindergarten ass plans. All this story did was annoy the hell out of me. I hated every single character. #isaidwhatisaid