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Amari November 23, 2014 6:56 am

searching for manga where main character has more than one wife or husband. I have read harekun, operation liberate men, sex pistols, and oooku. thanks

Amari October 16, 2014 5:21 am

I need help to find a yaoi manga about a school that is divided between celebrities and regular students. Anyway i think it is a scholarship student who has to tutor one of the celebs. There is another story about one of the teachers falling in love with one of the celebs. thanks

Amari October 13, 2014 2:02 am

I'm searching for a yaoi manga. It has several stories in it. One story is about a seme and uke who have too much sex. The seme gets tires too fast. The uke has a friend who is a dr. and warns the uke not to overdo the seme. Thanks. I think the seme is either in high school or college.

Amari October 4, 2014 2:58 am

I am searching for a manga. It has multiple stories and at the end they are all related some way. Anyway there is an architec in on story. In another there is a model and a president of the company that the model works for. In another couple is a construction worker. At the end the model points out how everyone had gotten in groups of two even though they had never met.

Amari September 29, 2014 12:45 am

searching for a manga. There are two brothers living together. The older brother brings his lover to the home to live with them. The uke and seme work at a restaurant together. Anyway the uke comes back one day and has a hit marks on him. The younger brother thought that the older brother hit him. The uke says his own brother hit him bc he had to go home and get a few things. There is also a sequel about the younger brother. Thanks for the help.

Amari September 23, 2014 11:36 pm

Looking for a manga about two guys sharing a room. the seme always brings and has sex with girls with the same name as the uke. The uke wears headphones while the seme and girl have sex. The uke and seme had drawn a line to seperate the room. Thanks

Amari September 23, 2014 8:59 pm

I wonder how many ppl like making lists

Amari September 18, 2014 11:42 pm

Im searching for a manga again. The uke is the neighbor and the seme is a writer. The uke lives with a friend and had to leave the apt while his friend has his gf over. The seme lets the uke in his place bc it's cold. The uke and friend are orphans. At one point the seme thought the uke's friend was his pimp. The uke says that he will wait for the seme. At the end the seme finds out that the uke cannot read and they leave together on a train. Thanks for the help.

Amari September 18, 2014 10:05 pm

I need help finding a manga. It's about a guy who is taken by yakuza and the boss has sex with him. The uke escapes and goes back home to find that his family pretty much left him. The boss comes and gets him and the uke willingly goes back with him. Thanks for the help.

    June September 18, 2014 10:27 pm

    Maybe Aibu first story?

    Amari September 18, 2014 11:34 pm
    Maybe Aibu first story? @June

    thanks thats it

Amari September 17, 2014 9:22 pm

i can't remember the name of a manga. Anyway lovers are known as flowers. Its not hanamatsuri. There is a flower system and one flower's master dies and the son takes him. thanks

    June September 17, 2014 9:47 pm

    If it´s not Hanamatsuri then maybe Hana wa Junai ni Junjiru? That´s the only one that I could think of...

    Amari September 17, 2014 9:58 pm
    If it´s not Hanamatsuri then maybe Hana wa Junai ni Junjiru? That´s the only one that I could think of... @June

    thanks that's the one

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