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KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of Projection

He thought he's a girl heheheh

KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of Projection

Yasss younger top x older bottom. Power bottom and Yakuza??? YASSS

KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of All's Nice!

Yes mommy~~ I'm willing to "rest" with youლ(´ڡ`ლ)

KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of All's Nice!
KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of Backlight
KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of Red Candy


KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of 1 to 10

Who's jeon seungwoo again???!!! MY 2 KB OF BRAIN MEMORY CAN'T SAVE CHARACTERS NAMES

KIFFY NI KANG YUNA created a topic of Backlight

Ohmy yung kiffy ko aaabhhh

Just wait until he copies jigu's apearance in his character and said that the face and outfit is inspired by his neighbor HAHAHAHAHA

Akira is like that meme that goes like "LEAVE ME ALONE *TING* AAAAAHHHHH" I hope you understand what i mean (●'◡'●)ノ