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Yigyivvyi July 1, 2021 10:57 pm

what the fuck is wrong with you ppl the story was fucking good you wirdeos it like you didnt even read the story, someone said "the mc is annoying" bitch... say that somemore time

    xya July 2, 2021 9:28 pm

    are you fucking kidding me she was so unhappy for what?
    like 100 chapters and she was usually forced to do stuff she didn't want to do and that's a 'good story'???? key why s,, pervert.. also the guy is annoying as shit and yes the mc is annoying too so what if the restaurant got closed they would manage somehow without the help of the fucking guy UGH this whole story is just fan service straight up. the characters almost have no depth to them whatsoever. and I don't mean like a backstory type of thing they don't really have anything special that makes them them except for some shit ass personality traits.

    Yigyivvyi July 15, 2021 11:54 am
    are you fucking kidding me she was so unhappy for what? like 100 chapters and she was usually forced to do stuff she didn't want to do and that's a 'good story'???? key why s,, pervert.. also the guy is annoyin... xya

    U acting like this isn’t how people act irl we don’t know are feeling like tf uneven saying

    Shara amada July 23, 2021 2:37 pm
    U acting like this isn’t how people act irl we don’t know are feeling like tf uneven saying Yigyivvyi

    I'm sorry if that's the "general" reality for you however, this is a story not a documentary. It really is a terrible manga with only the art to save its' ass. It did had a potential to be something and to say something considering the concept behind it but alas after all these years it's shit. It didn't need to be a masterpiece but it wasn't even a little bit mediocre. 187 chapters of shit.

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