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Mea July 9, 2021 7:34 am

Reading "fengyu chose violence" made me freaking GUFFAW because I can imagine that shiz animated and some screaming that in the back

Mea July 8, 2021 2:59 am

Look I know this website is for you know... questionable re-uploads of already translated works but NAH. When it comes to actual chapters? Read it on webtoons. If you are in ANY way a fan of GL you would read it there, especially because this author is big on GL works. Now extras and stuff on the side? Well I'll look the other way but the official chapters? I'll need you to support the Webtoon officially bro because I'll be mad af we don't get more GL like this because people can't go to the source. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE SOURCE IS FREE AND ALREADY IN ENGLISH. Don't even need to drop a dollar if you don't want too unlike other webcomic apps

    Mikaela Hyakuya July 8, 2021 8:21 am

    It’s just that for me it’s easier to have all my comics in one place so I don’t have to check multiple places for updates since it just becomes too much to deal with

    Mea July 9, 2021 2:28 am
    It’s just that for me it’s easier to have all my comics in one place so I don’t have to check multiple places for updates since it just becomes too much to deal with Mikaela Hyakuya

    You say this but doing this here.. is actively taking away support for an author that loves making GL content and do it for a job so... needs money to keep doing what they and we love. We all know this is a pirate site but this is one of those that is originally in English so it really shouldn't be here, especially when it's on a platform many can go on and support which they're less likely to do if they read it here. Same with shows, why get a show subscription when I can watch online for free?

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Tomie33 July 6, 2021 10:40 am

Please moreee updates in the barefoot nina

Mea June 16, 2021 7:34 pm

Unless the person currently posting chapters stops before it's completed I won't post any, otherwise I'll let them post, mostly uploaded that chapter to get the interest re-rolling because that manwha hurt my feelings lol

Butter June 16, 2021 5:22 am

I love you please keep updating this

blindanna June 13, 2021 12:17 pm

please keep updating, this is great
┗( T﹏T )┛

Haileypm1 June 1, 2021 2:21 am

Thank yiu

Jen May 31, 2021 9:58 am

Hi, just wanna ask, are you gonna update this one?

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