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Hyung followed a goer

★——— + ———————— + ———— ★
 ↣ hello ! ↢

★——— + ———————— + ———— ★
✩.・*:。 WHAT DO I READ .•*:。✩

↣ I read all genres!

 ↣ My favorite types of manga are usually food/slice of life, mystery/psychological or tragedy/drama.

 ↣ I don't really mind what genre I read so feel free to recommend me any manga! 

★——— + ———————— + ———— ★
 ✩.・*:。 MY FAVOURITE MANGA .•*:。✩
Are You Alice?

★——— + ———————— + ———— ★
 ✩.・*:。 RANDOM INFO .•*:。✩

 ↣ you can call me by any pronouns!     

 ↣ taurus 

 ↣ my favourite vtuber is Kanae!

 ↣ nearly all of the mangas I've read are sorted into a list (none of the lists are in any order tho lol)

 ↣ here's my discord - Luciel_707#3203

★——— + ———————— + ———— ★
 Avoid bringing any sort of hate/fandom drama near me please! I dislike heated discussions.

I hate taking sides and I want to remain a neutral third party just doing my own thing. I'm friendly and I like to interact, but please don't act too close with me because it makes me uncomfortable.

I want my page to be a chill, warm space where I can interact with everyone, thank you!

★——— + ———————— + ———— ★

12 07,2023
Hyung followed a goer

read pandora hearts :3

11 07,2023
Hyung followed a goer

Sexuality: I identify as a menace to 

09 12,2021
Hyung did

258 people did   /   613 want to do

Join our discord server be horny and whatever we accept everything hehe (if link doesn't work message me)

Hyung did

258 people did   /   613 want to do

Join our discord server be horny and whatever we accept everything hehe

Hyung followed a goer
08 11,2021
Hyung followed a goer


08 11,2021
Hyung answered question about question
Hyung answered question about petition to remove my brother
I'm gonna crash this fucking car if yall don't stop having car sex
Hyung answered question about my childhood
I remember one my classmates shitting their pants in the middle of class
Hyung answered question about make a picrew
Hyung answered question about my childhood
A pole and my stripping clothes
Hyung answered question about petition to remove my brother
I shouldn't have change my fucking name
Hyung created a topic of Dear Benjamin

This might be the next manhwa that's gonna be down since the writer of Dear Benjamin found out about this being in an illegal site..

well due to some of yall spreading rumors how...

"The author of Benjamin and the translator made a deal, where author of Benjamin will recieve donations at this certain amount and if they reached that certain amount, translator can continue illegal translating, fast forward and so they did! And boom here!"

That's actually 100% false, now ofc they're mad about that.

Uplouder I suggest you don't put ur @ in the chapters so they won't find u and change the title abit.

Hyung answered question about question
Hyung answered question about disappointment to your parents
Jesus please forgive, please take me to heaven please please. I don't want to stay with these horny bitches more than 0 miliseconds
Hyung answered question about comic recommendations
Oh god please dont
Hyung answered question about have a wild imagination
Hello from the manga*beep* users, we proudly say we declare war on Mangago users.
Hyung answered question about looking for a translator
Idk bout yall shouldn't we be more concerned about minors reading 18+ shits rather than adults reading those stuff?