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Hanna-chan desu created a topic of My Damned XXX
Hanna-chan desu created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Guys with the prettiest eyes always have the saddest backstories :(

Man I miss Tora and Wu I wanna see them more and damn the switch scenes

Man but hasn't the bottom been leading him on from the very beginning itself even though it was just for reference. Ofcourse Juheon would think he's into him. And now you're just going on a date with the person you want to reject? I don't really think that's fair. Just say outright you don't wanna go out if you don't. Just think about it for Juheon it's like the first time anyone has shown interest in his real self. Well atleast I'm glad they talked it out instead of delaying by 4-5 chapters.

Npoo wtf the censor is not just back but even larger now ??!!

Hanna-chan desu created a topic of Thirst

This is so weird now idk what's going through Tristans uncle's head


Why are these bitches coming after our dear Woo-won one by one pls leave him alone mans has had enough he doesn't deserve all this
I can already see how angsty this is gonna get now with all these misunderstandings and stuff. Why can't they just communicate??? Sometimes when you do something to protect the other person you only end up hurting them moreee this is so sad. But atleast Woo-won was finally able to stand up against his dad I'm happy for him. Going against your abuser can be so difficult. Proud of you Woo-won but now he'll probably have an argument with Seo-an omg such a headache

Lmao I'm so glad they're showing the vers scene most BLs usually skip it
Damn I wanna see Kureha go feral
Also the birdsssss story omgg how cute is that
I kin Pochata in the way that I too love eating and sleeping

Hanna-chan desu created a topic of My Suha

Came back after so many months to see what happened to the red haired guy lol

Bro gonna get severe PTSD from this shit