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코타✩‧₊˚ like question

hi im a HUGE huge psychological fan and would appreciate it if any of u had any lesser known manhwas (or mangas) to recommend. preferably BL, but i’m ok with pretty much everything. some reads i’ve enjoyed have been chew & swallow, stigma, and escape into oblivion to give u an idea. I NEED SUPER FUCKED UP STORY RECS PLEASE AND THANK U <3

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Reunion

I’m not even kidding when I say the sex scene was the most sensual one I’ve ever read, and I’ve been reading BL for over 5 years now. This was so unnecessary, I understand there are certain rules on their platform but completely cutting 2 whole chapters out?? Well done M@nta, I’m underwhelmed to say the least.

코타✩‧₊˚ followed a goer
20 01,2024
코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Jinx

yall know what’s coming the next chapter

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Honey Trouble

idk what yall are on i love jiheon

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Dreadful Night

i hate reading smut w uncensored dicks hanging around but this is too good for me to not read it

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of A Small Lie

how come this doesn’t have any comments?? hidden masterpiece

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Jinx

one thing i have a hard time understanding is why are there people still complaining ?? you’ve read 34 chapters so you’re clearly invested in it enough, you just sound hypocritical coming here and complaining everytime a new chapter’s uploaded and jaekyung’s being toxic again. duh?? didn’t you realize that the first time his character was introduced? go complain somewhere else because you’re clearly projecting, it’s okay to enjoy FICTIONAL stories that have abuse. that doesn’t mean people who enjoy these types of manhwas are defenders of abuse or that they condone this type of behavior in any type of situation in real life.

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Semantic Error

easily one of the best bl manhwas out there

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Dreadful Night

belly laughed at the end this is so good

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Jinx

took me so damn long to finish the chapter because i kept getting stressed for dan

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Jinx

so many weirdly suspicious characters… i wanna know who’s the killer asap but the wait is killing me

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Honey Trouble

OUU ANOTHER HOT LOVE INTEREST we cheered also i love the art so much

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Nerd Project

the tension ughhhhh wish there were more chapters

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Dreadful Night

the suspense is KILLING me this is why i hate reading ongoing stories

코타✩‧₊˚ created a topic of Jinx

can i just be honest and say i really don’t care how much of a scumbag jaekyung is.. like i’m just waiting for that redemption arc so that i can finally openly love him