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Papaguro created a topic of Dear Benjamin

WHO WAS IT? I was laying on my bed and jumped after seeing this lol.

Papaguro created a topic of Priapus

Did anyone notice Naruto and his family in chapter 6??lmaooo

Papaguro created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

Nice dicks... I mean..

NICE DICKS!!! (*^3^)/~♡

Papaguro created a topic of Mobius Strip

This is the lamest story I've ever read. I feel like I've read nothing.

Papaguro asked a question

Guys I'm looking for yaoi/shonen ai which seme regrets his behaviour towards uke some kind of redemption arc.
And also recommend some hidden gems which are underrated but have a great storyline.

Papaguro created a topic of My Starry Sky

Skyler must have too much patience to still call that woman "mom". It's disgusting to see how she's acting like she's the victim when she literally tried to kill his own son not once but twice. It's true that every child deserve parents but not every parents deserve a child. Seriously some people just shouldn't have the ability to reproduce.

Papaguro created a topic of Love in Orbit

Aww my squishy potatoes ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Papaguro asked a question

Recommend some yaoi action manhwa,, novels are fine too like PASSION, Codename Anastasia and Things that deserve to die. Which has intense storyline that keeps me hooked yk that seems real not fictional. I really liked PASSION and never found any better novel I really liked the plot characters and everything in it. So please if yk any let me know.

Papaguro asked a question

Suggest me some yaoi/shonen ai which has really interesting plot, it's fine if it has less smut.

Papaguro asked a question

Suggest me some yaoi/shonen ai which has really interesting plot, it's fine if it has less smut