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The Emperor's Erection Project

Ongoing | 판타마니 (fantamani) | 2022 released
2023-01-31 16:35 marked

This is so fucking funny I love it

Marriage of Convenience

Ongoing | Ken | 2019 released
2022-04-16 03:40 marked

I like it ! Is refreshing to see an Imperfect MC. She acts her age and according to her circumstances. She was forced to marry as a child which means she never got a childhood, was scared of her husband, never had the chance to be close to him because he was always at war, then suddenly is dying in the streets and got revived. No wonder she is pissed off. Also kids being married is very historically accurate, I'm glad the husband had the decency to only be romantically interested in her after she became of a legal age. It just seemed like he tried to keep her safe and protected through the years.

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