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Goddess17 created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

I'm much more concerned about the what the secret ingredient is. I would like to know...

Goddess17 created a topic of Love Interest Zone

If someone tries to kill you and somebody actually catches them, let them get beat tf up. Over here talking about people are looking. Bitch please!! Everybody should be looking!! He tried to kill you!!!

Goddess17 created a topic of LULLU LALLA BLUES

Everybody is concerned with all these orientations and things, but I'm more concerned that our MC is an alcoholic... He and his friends are alcoholics...........

Goddess17 created a topic of Millennial Cultivator

Do not be fooled. This is trash and shall remain so regardless of what the cover looks like.

It's a stupid thing to nag about but why put in a ponytail holder if you're not going to cut the hair right. At least cut in front of the ponytail holder instead of before the ponytail holder. I see people do this all the time and now I have to watch it happen here!? At least this woman has an excuse! What about everyone else????

This mc and his so called harem are so worthless. It would be a better plot without harem. Why does harem exist? It ruins so many good plots. This could've been such a good thing! It's a shame.

I'm sorry, I hate this woman. I kept reading hoping it would get better but it just kept getting worse and worse.