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sarcasticpotato created a topic of Jinx
sarcasticpotato created a topic of Bound to Be

Young lovers to adult enemies with twisted personalities GOD this is so good actually

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Noragami

I wanted her to grow old and be happy like this isnt the happy ending we were promised to, this is breaking my heart...

For the people who are confused about the timeline, this contains spoilers

-They first met at the bar, colton is drunk so he doesnt remember it
-Then they meet again at that exhibition, they smoke together, colton again doesnt remember damon
-years later they meet in korea when colton holds an exhibit in korea and damon is one of the artists, colton still only remembers the time they smoked, not the bar. Things happen and he gets dropped from the lineup
-then this story starts, they make a contract, colton adds him to the lineup for the england exhibit in october, damon gets inspiration for his works while colton gets over dylan thing
-now colton drops him from the exhibit once again because he planned a solo exhibit for him but he wants to make their relationship clear (not a contract anymore) before he tells him that


sarcasticpotato created a topic of ENNEAD

Damn seth is so tsundere, we all know you like kids there is no need to yell at him lol

sarcasticpotato created a topic of King's Maker

ngl im not interested in other chara's stories and all i just wanna see some interactions between shin and wolfgang like WHY

sarcasticpotato created a topic of King's Maker

WAIT WAIT WAIT is that mpreg

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Two Souls

Do they get their bodies back?

sarcasticpotato created a topic of ENNEAD

Even tho this is bl, i wish seth could be this happy with his family again...

sarcasticpotato created a topic of ENNEAD

okay guys chile i just wanna enjoy the story idc who uploads it, if u have money pls buy it but i dont so i dont want any drama pls let me read this i beg u stop fighting ilyall