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Kairi_Moon created a topic of Chainsaw Man
Kairi_Moon created a topic of Non Zero Sum

Yep, if I was in our Mc shoes. I would kill myself.

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Homeless/No Home

You know, I’m not one for advocating violence… but I say BEAT THEIR ASSES EUNYUNG!!

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Gig of the Day

Yea, be jealous. Oh wait! I thought you weren’t interested in a relationship? Guess it’s none of your business what our MC does then. Oh well

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Codename Anastasia

“Can you kill someone by ra-“ nuh uh, he gotta go. They way my jaw dropped

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
Kairi_Moon created a topic of Chainsaw Man
Kairi_Moon created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Seeing his face at the end teared me up actually. Yea his parents are horrible, but they’re his parents. And he is longing for their affection. Friends are nice but it’s seems like Eunyung has no other family. And he wants that family affection. And in this situation he wants their attention more than anything else. ☹

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Projection

What kind of silly ass seatbelts are those

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Projection
Kairi_Moon created a topic of Gig of the Day

YOU GOT YOURSELF A HUSBAND YOU PIECE OF SHIT god damn! Open this man’s eyes to see what his future can be!!!!

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Form of Broken Love

Put that man in a psych ward PERIODT

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Waterside Night


Kairi_Moon created a topic of Slammer Dogs
Kairi_Moon created a topic of Gig of the Day

I really like our Main characters personality!

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Don’t Say You Love Me

If I was Yutong I would’ve been mad seeing them dripped out without telling me first before hanging out

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Jinx

No Dan don’t pay off that dept you’re free! FREEEEEE if that was me writing that note I would’ve added a “p.s fuck you and I hope your dick falls off”

Kairi_Moon created a topic of Waterside Night

I want to know what happened to the baby. I thought he was pregnant and the author didn’t really explain on whether the pill worked or not