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Wujin's feed

Nah I dont care what stupid metaphor the author tries to use, it’s impossible to feel like she’s the caged bird in this situation knowing she was perfectly happy to groom and use him for her revenge. So she regrets it now just because he didn’t use his memories to circumvent one ambush when he was a child in a war. It’s just too far-fetched to expect a teenager to prevent the death of his superior in a war that he wasn’t originally a part of, even if he did have his memories at that point. His path had diverged in the timeline same as hers had and how tf is he supposed to remember every little thing and be in control of everything when he was what sixteen? Seventeen? Be so fucking forreal. Maybe he was jealous of dietrich and wanted him out of the picture but even id that’s true, he only has so much influence at that point in the story and she was screaming at him for him for being a child in a war SHE PUT HIM IN. Not to mention, she should have reevaluated herself when she found out dietrich wasnt even dead.

She’s holding a grudge and being petty at this point and honestly it just sounds like she’s humiliated because she thought she had all the power over him but was wrong. She’s just butthurt she doesnt have all the control. Not to mention taking it out on the kid who did nothing wrong. She should have just aborted it if she didn’t want the responsibility of raising his child. She disgusts me. It’s not even that I think he’s innocent. They are both messed up and when they were villians bound for revenge together it was really cool, but now she wants to play the victim and act like he’s done some great crime against her for daring to be on equal footing to her. It feels like they put this scene that alludes to him assaulting her to make readers feel like she’s the victim but she literally created this whole mess in the first place. And then she kisses him on the cheek and cries about leaving him? I’m SICK of her.