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sidney created a topic of The Lady and the Beast

EVERYDAY this girl is DUMB

Holding hands like lovers?? Not even an hour ago he had ur tit in his mouth. Get some perspective

This the bitch that ruined his life and gave him that complex?

Dietrich needs to learn to mind the business that pays him . Leaves these nut cases to their devices

sidney created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Holding hands like lovers?? Not even an hour ago he had ur tit in his mouth. Get some perspective

sidney created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Okayyy i like it .

Poor sauvre love's passed him by again

This shits getting outta hand. They're both crazy. How did we get here?

sidney created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

He's speed running life atp

I mean at this point I'm tired of her and him . He's fuckin obsessed over her and literally cannot think clearly like let it go uve got a country to run.She used him to get all tht she has and then abandoned him. She used Dietrich too and still uses him even now. She's fuckin DUMB and she doesn't listen idk wtf she wants from him. She's acting like he killed Dietrich and he didn't, she raised his son and hates him. She KNOWS he was jealous of Dietrich and continues to use tht to goad him. I'm convinced this cldve been over bc this storyline is boring and stupid. I'm just done

sidney created a topic of The Tragedy of a Villainess

Why is she still around bro she knows seria is abt that life idk why she wants to test her gangster. Everywhere i turn this bitch pops up and for what?? What the hell does she want?!

sidney created a topic of Wolf In The House

Just jizz all in the kitchen ( ̄へ ̄)

sidney created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Mans get wait to meet the devil

She used him from the beginning to enact her revenge used his obsession for her to her means . She really acts like wil killed Dietrich. Which i mean he's right , he didn't kill him. He didn't even try to kill him . So wtf does she want???

sidney created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Both these dudes are dumb as hell. They're both morons.
They talk past each other continuously like how are both of you forever 5 ft away from the point

sidney created a topic of If You Want a Fake Sister

She cannot honestly believe she had him fooled for even a second?! Like i don't think there was even a second he believed that was his sister. Also can she do sth other than cry ??

sidney created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

Ur delusional girl. U can't even read the room.
Are u in the same dimension??

I'm honestly so damn tired of both of them

You broke up w him because you had ....a nightmare??
That's fudkin dumb
Now he's crazy??? Can we get a warning before y'all pull the plot out from under us?

sidney created a topic of Tamed A Blackened Slave Man

Mans just be offering up their daughters at the drop of a hat
Without a second thought