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cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek followed a goer

I am so unbelievably scared of my “want to read” list

I am both extremely upset and excited that there is still so much out there to read

If you’re up to discuss the joys of literature I’m more than happy to oblige…

4 days

Idk how to feel bout this one it wasn't a good read but also not a bad one...

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home

I think he was pretending to be drunk if he was then I love him sm that's so smart of him that disgusting bastard got caught redhanded

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home


cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Lookism

They should have brought guns i swear im never gonna get tired of lookism its in my blood

Only likeable characters rn gotta be chako and gen

Whys everyone in this manga literally nuts

nahh blondie is seriously pissing me off

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Sign

rereading this and I just realized hyunho has the same bday as me

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home

I hope he trips on his bathroom and hit his head on the toilet then bleed out and die

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home

I hope that while he's walking on the street at night burglars just come up to him and start beating the hell outta him till he dies

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home

I hope that while hes walking on the street a brick just falls on his head and his bleeds out and dies

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home

I hope a truck runs u over

cheeseburgeronmyleftcheek created a topic of Home

I so wanna strangle that mf and beat the fuck outta him

This was so good I'm gonna miss them alot

Nahh blonde guy seriously passing me off