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Iamgay April 21, 2019 6:45 pm

This story reminds me of ceo’s Sudden proposal but the story is a little bit different but still I love it

Remilia March 18, 2019 7:18 am

Damn Korean mangas are a big hit now and their yaoi /BL mangas are so famous and their art style is so beautiful I just can’t stop laughing and blushing like a moron Fujoshi mode on

    orangevoldemort March 18, 2019 7:42 am

    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive

    Wise Loli March 18, 2019 10:55 am
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    Even if korean's mahwas are good, saying mangas are now repetitive is just making me mad. There are bunch of exciting mangas maybe you just don't find any. THEY'RE NOT BORING YOU HDAKBXSUKA

    kyesss March 18, 2019 3:40 pm
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    i beg to differ. not all manhwas are good. some do not have a solid plot, patchy storyline that it seems like the conflicts are merely put into the story just to give it more substance. Also most have really abrupt resolutions/endings leaving significant plotholes. Just like how many japanese mangas are. What im saying is that neither is superior to each other. Both produce good and bad stories. We all just need to find that good one that also fits our taste. But reading bad ones also helps us be critical of many manga/manhwa stereotypes and we become better readers. :)

    fujoshi_99 March 18, 2019 5:09 pm
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    I see no point in comparing them

    shortie~ March 18, 2019 8:02 pm
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    Then i recommend you to read this manga (the 1st chapter) and the spin off
    Or anything by this author. THEIR MANGAS ARE A HIDDEN GEM. The style is just too fantastic. So unique, i've never read any yaoi like that.

    shortie~ March 18, 2019 8:04 pm
    Then i recommend you to read this manga (the 1st chapter) and the spin off Or anythin... shortie~

    Btw just fyi, i always came back to this manga every week because it's just too good i never got bored of it.

    Iamgay March 19, 2019 3:50 am
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    Yo japanese manga’s are still great tho no one can beat japanese mangas and I didn’t know what u meant about “japanese mangas are repetitive” like I don’t agree with you i was just saying that Korean manhwas are getting better and their romance manga is beautiful and their art style is great and all that colors but I still think that japanese mangas are the best like hello japanese mangas has the best plot

    Manjushage March 23, 2019 7:11 am
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    You called it repetitive but know this, these mangaka basically work off their ass off without sleep, damaging even their health to finished their manuscript for the deadline. Besides they do every single thing by hand traditionally. Storyboard, stretch, inking, screentone. Also and most of the likely have wrist problems. Please don't disrespect these hard working mangaka's hard work and dedication to their work.

    Manjushage March 23, 2019 7:17 am
    You called it repetitive but know this, these mangaka basically work off their ass off without sleep, damaging even their health to finished their manuscript for the deadline. Besides they do every single thing... Manjushage

    Auto correct * also most of them have wrist problems. Please don't disrespect these hard working mangaka's hard work and dedication.

    shortie~ March 23, 2019 5:04 pm
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    This manga is also REALLY good. Maybe youre just saying that because you havent read all the good ones. Please hit me up if you need japanese BL mangas recommendations! :))

    Anonymous March 26, 2019 1:12 pm
    ikr?? i feel like japanese mangas are really repetitive orangevoldemort

    Um, no. Not all Manhwas are good, I find Killing Stalking to be shit and there's another one I didn't like but forgot the name of it so I don't think you have read any good manga. There's a lot of good Yaoi manga so you are wrong, sure there are good manhwa but there's also a lot of amazing manga with a good story, good characters and good art.

    Anonymous March 26, 2019 1:16 pm
    Even if korean's mahwas are good, saying mangas are now repetitive is just making me mad. There are bunch of exciting mangas maybe you just don't find any. THEY'RE NOT BORING YOU HDAKBXSUKA Wise Loli

    Well, they clearly haven't read any good manga it seems.

    Misaqi March 26, 2019 1:45 pm
    Um, no. Not all Manhwas are good, I find Killing Stalking to be shit and there's another one I didn't like but forgot the name of it so I don't think you have read any good manga. There's a lot of good Yaoi man... @Anonymous

    the creator didn’t work hard day and night and suffer just for you to discredit killing stalking and call it shit just because it’s not your cup of tea...

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:38 pm
    i beg to differ. not all manhwas are good. some do not have a solid plot, patchy storyline that it seems like the conflicts are merely put into the story just to give it more substance. Also most have really ab... kyesss

    Thats a lovely point, and i cant help but agree, its true some korean manga aren't good, and i dont think that they're ALL insanely good, same goes for japanese manga, some can be filled w reptetive tropes as ive seen over the fours years i've read yaoi. but that doesnt make them inherently bad, my point remains i prefer manhwas, but respect anyone who disagrees with me/

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:41 pm
    Even if korean's mahwas are good, saying mangas are now repetitive is just making me mad. There are bunch of exciting mangas maybe you just don't find any. THEY'RE NOT BORING YOU HDAKBXSUKA Wise Loli

    I didnt know this was a touchy subject for you, and just because i said they're repetitive doesn't make them bad, and i've read loads of manga i do like and have a list to keep track of those i like.

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:44 pm
    Yo japanese manga’s are still great tho no one can beat japanese mangas and I didn’t know what u meant about “japanese mangas are repetitive” like I don’t agree with you i was just saying that Korean ... Iamgay

    Yes they are STILL great, always have been, but just because ive read loads i have noticed that they all follow a similar pattern and sometimes there are some repeated tropes, but that doesnt make them bad, i respect that you dont agree with me.

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:51 pm
    You called it repetitive but know this, these mangaka basically work off their ass off without sleep, damaging even their health to finished their manuscript for the deadline. Besides they do every single thing... Manjushage

    Hi, as i've said before repetitive is NOT BAD OR UNWORTHY OF AN AUDIENCE, honestly ive never been more pissed in my entire life, i am aware of the conditions these mangakas go through to make it big in the industry, its very easy to fall victim to all types of abuse, BUT YOU CANNOT SAY THAT, you cannot take the moral high ground as just like me and thousands of other people on this website we are reading their work illegally and immorally. Please dont twist my words.

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:53 pm
    Um, no. Not all Manhwas are good, I find Killing Stalking to be shit and there's another one I didn't like but forgot the name of it so I don't think you have read any good manga. There's a lot of good Yaoi man... @Anonymous

    Ok cool thats your opinion, I have read good manga, and no im not wrong everything around us is a repetition of something/ a differential version, it's always been like that.

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:53 pm
    This manga is also REALLY good. Maybe youre just saying that because you havent read all the good ones. Please hit me up if you need japanese BL mangas recommendations! :)) shortie~

    Thank you for the recommendation I look forward to reading it !!! <3

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 10:54 pm
    Then i recommend you to read this manga (the 1st chapter) and the spin off Or anythin... shortie~

    IVE READ THAT BEFORE AND I LOVE LOVED IT !!! like its so unique and different and the art is so sweet and lovely it makes me cry omg

    orangevoldemort March 26, 2019 11:10 pm
    the creator didn’t work hard day and night and suffer just for you to discredit killing stalking and call it shit just because it’s not your cup of tea... Misaqi

    People can have an opinion, i'd rather someone told me they didnt like my work and why they didnt so i could learn from my 'mistakes', rather than appreciate it just to be polite.

    Anonymous March 27, 2019 12:35 am
    IVE READ THAT BEFORE AND I LOVE LOVED IT !!! like its so unique and different and the art is so sweet and lovely it makes me cry omg orangevoldemort

    I been reading mangas since I'm a kid, in the early 2000's while probably you or nobody really know about mangas. I'm 23 by the way and the fact that you are looking down on mangas saying it's repetitive than Korean manhwa. There are pros and cons of each. You do know that? Since when does creating art have to be look down upon. Sure the stories can be bad and stupid but it's just entertainment. There are hidden gems out there. Just that your stupid ass didn't go look for it. I recommend Banana Fish and confidential confessions. Go read those and then come back arguing with people saying how repetitive it is. Your Korean mangas isn't superior ether.

    Zeffyra March 27, 2019 1:14 am

    This orange needs a break from manga community...
    See u next decade...

    kyesss March 27, 2019 4:22 am
    Thats a lovely point, and i cant help but agree, its true some korean manga aren't good, and i dont think that they're ALL insanely good, same goes for japanese manga, some can be filled w reptetive tropes as i... orangevoldemort

    Yes, i guess it was somehow a misunderstanding, and it's okay that you prefer manhwas. I personally prefer jp manga bc ive read more of it (and have considered some that are really good imo) than korean manhwa, but there are also korean manhwas that i love and are really good. :))

    kyesss March 27, 2019 4:23 am
    Thats a lovely point, and i cant help but agree, its true some korean manga aren't good, and i dont think that they're ALL insanely good, same goes for japanese manga, some can be filled w reptetive tropes as i... orangevoldemort

    Yes, i guess it was somehow a misunderstanding, and it's okay that you prefer manhwas. I personally prefer jp manga bc ive read more of it (and have considered some that are really good imo) than korean manhwa, but there are also korean manhwas that i love and are really good. :))

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