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What about their(MC and Ml) wife ? Are they dead or sum ???

Closet fujoshi created a topic of Waterside Night

April fools should be illegal

Closet fujoshi followed a goer
11 03,2023
Closet fujoshi created a topic of Two Sions

If this is a love triangle. I want him to end up with the other dude even though I don't know him. But I dont want him to end up with this trash . I hope they don't show it like he has some trauma cause i'm tired of that shit. I hope the other ml is decent. ( ̄へ ̄)

Closet fujoshi created a topic of Rebirth

I thought he was pouting

Closet fujoshi created a topic of Rebirth

He was asleep for two days and the little guy is still in those bloody clothes...Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

the purple haired guy's name is jin and his purple hair and eyebrow piercings are just like jungkook (⊙…⊙ ) did the author predict the butter song looks

So Hwan did all that monster shit. He seems like an obsessive guy so why was he fine with all those monsters raping chiwoo. ?? Or were all those monsters Hwan? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸And in some chapters Chiwoo's life was also in danger ,like the merman one. If purple guy wasn't there Chiwoo could have drowned. How tf he likes him? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Closet fujoshi created a topic of Payback

Who is the rabbit that the ML is searching for ? Is it the MC?