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BBtBFWB created a topic of Xuan Ji Ci Manhua

I MTL-ed the last 3 chapters two years ago, if anyone wants to see how it ended.

Password: 211-213

BBtBFWB answered question about question
BBtBFWB answered question about question
I thought the pencil eraser caps they had at school were free, so I would take all of the ones I found that others weren't using. I would scour desks, the floor, and even the ones that where laying on our teacher's easels. If it weren't on a pencil, it was free real-estate.
BBtBFWB answered question about chat about anything
Well, there's a superstition that if the person you're with looks like you, then they're probably your soulmate. Also alot of married couples look the same too. I think this would count as a win, so don't worry about it.