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Ava April 25, 2017 2:02 pm

I just can't put up with cheating...

    enikaido April 29, 2017 4:22 pm

    Yeah but poor bby mi kun was in a way self sabotaging to numb his pain of being isolated for so long and thought it was over between them, he wanted a lil control, jus my guess anyways. I cant stand cheatin but this is an exception(▰˘◡˘▰)

    skyflyer05 May 1, 2017 3:57 am
    Yeah but poor bby mi kun was in a way self sabotaging to numb his pain of being isolated for so long and thought it was over between them, he wanted a lil control, jus my guess anyways. I cant stand cheatin but... enikaido

    I dont agree with that at all, he choose to leave and he choose to cheat, he never spoke to the the partner about it he just went and fucked whoever he wanted. while the uke didnt sleep with anyone else at all and they were going through the same thing. he used that as a excuse and it made me hate him!

    enikaido May 1, 2017 8:13 am

    Y r u still readin this then...

    Iris May 17, 2017 10:00 pm
    I dont agree with that at all, he choose to leave and he choose to cheat, he never spoke to the the partner about it he just went and fucked whoever he wanted. while the uke didnt sleep with anyone else at all ... skyflyer05

    My friend feels the same while I excused it. I'm always conflicted with these things. I would have preferred they officially had broken up when they separated. I wouldn't feel so bad.

Ava April 24, 2017 4:26 pm

Everyones about the missing sex... but I'm like... DID THEY EVEN KISS?

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