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Roxienna created a topic of Please Throw Me Away

I actually really liked you.... If you love someone and care for them you RESPECT their decisions. Like dude she's a fully grown adult! She doesn't need anyone telling her what to do? Seriously mate you need to calm down

Ready for some ass whooping?

Roxienna like the answer
please don't talk about politics on a manga site. i try to stay away from that shit but you're ruining it for me(︶^︶)
Roxienna asked a question

Can someone PLEASE pick this up? I don't what happened but, it's no longer being updated. Its just too cute and fluffy to stop.

On and BTW if someone has the raws for this pls drop it. It'll be much appreciated. Thank you

Ngl..... When Lucas was like " why did only the emperor......." I was legit thinking " oh boy... Pls no... Not again... No more sleeping beauties"

This is just getting more and more annoying

Roxienna followed question about drawing

I challenge all artists out there (stick-people drawers included) to an art contest. >Any gender >Black hair >Violet eyes >A beauty spot next to the mouth

02 07,2021
Roxienna like the answer
this is my non-binary oc and I love them very much. and i just realised i forgot about the violet eyes oops.

This chapter is now officially my favourite

Roxienna created a topic of Wolf Crying Pharmacy

I will be extremely pissed if in the next ep it's revealed that they were actually talking about smth innocent.

Roxienna asked a question

There was this one manhwa I read.... The FL went on some kind of demon subjugation and after she defeated the demon, she returned home as a war hero(?) only to know that her parents have been killed in an accident. She has a sister who is apparently very cold blooded and heartless. Her brother was killed by her sister. Can u guys help me find this?

Roxienna created a topic of A False Confession

I'm dropping this If she says yes

Look, I get that he's down bad and all... But him giving her out a blank cheque after he as a punishment cut the Knights' pay.... That doesn't feel right.... I wouldn't worry if it was just her medical fee or smth like that, but giving her that much money seems a bit too much don't you agree? Feel free to share ur opinions.

Roxienna created a topic of I Don't Love You Anymore

What the knight did is a crime isn't it?

Roxienna created a topic of A False Confession

The lighting in this chapter was just *chef's kiss*.

Roxienna like the answer