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sleepykid's feed

One day, they need to spend their night, and Chloe know that a succesor is important so she was willing to it, and because she want to feel that she is really Ash's wife. So Ash was shocked, she taught it will take a while until she fully open her heart. So that night, when
Ash was about to start the foreplay, she suddenly cry.. Ash then stop and just hug her and Chloe was crying until she sleep in his arm...(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Apparently, first time of Chloe and Joseph, she does not bleed eventhough its her first.. Start from then, Joseph beat her up and call her dirty..after some days maybe?, Ash comforted her by saying not all girls bleed during their first and she cried (btw, from the spoiler, it said that they are basically cuddling right now
(=・ω・=)) Why not bleed? Just for your info, not all girls bleed with their first, but that doesn't mean she is not a virgin.. Sometime, people who always do exercise can also had broken its hymen.. Some girls were born without pleaseeee, if one day u have a wife that doesnt bleed on her first time, do not misunderstand her and please be gentle with them..