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I was getting pissed at how that guy was talking but when chung myung kicked the door bitch i was like show him whats up bro, i felt immensely satisfied.

Is the FL's mom still alive?judging by what the last panel, I think she is.. i hope they meet again, cuz that would be very lovely to see

Bro oh my god they look so good together, i feel like they have the same vibes with the FL's parents. But unfortunately they're not compatible with each other when it comes to guiding:(

Deserv. Anyways why did he get beaten up tho?? And sanho if you fold easily then.. i guess god bless you huh

Where the babies at?? If the ml get one, then the others should too

Instead there going to take the mount hua's disciple jo gul(whats his disciple name again??)

Me, myself, and I. created a topic of Spirit Farmer

Bruh you people are soooo, it isnt even weird i dont know what y'all are on about. Ive been reading this for a while and i have not found any single hint of that shit you guys always points out about. God cant you guys just enjoy the damn manhwa, shit you all are pissing me off.

I still wanna know what yunhee's relationship with dojin cuz bro they have no similarities at all

Finally, he realized it sooo chasing arc?? Sanho, honey you better keep rejecting tak okay? We want him to beg for your love after all

Big talk for someone who abandoned her own child, hypocrite moments be like.