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I reacted the same way like him I was like huh? I literally forgot what was the plot suddenly I remembered my guy here is a hostage

Sunskitten created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Oh my he's gonna let his guard down. It will be amazing if he's the one who falls first and falls harder too. Then the betrayal and revenge will taste more sweeter to our uke. Hopefully that is.

Sunskitten created a topic of Jinx

Well I just tell myself this isn't a love story and move on with life. I do hope dan uses some brain and sees reality so he get out of that imaginary world he created in his head where all bs jk does is forgiven. I won't judge his feelings and call them delusional but he really needs to get his shit together so jk won't walk all over him. I mean jk does pay him for what he has hired him. He prolly thinks his routine was fked cuz of this side hustle of dan as if his own stupidity didn't fuck up his health now if something goes wrong with his shoulder or match he's gonna take it out on dan.. As always. Like no cell in me has any desire to defend jk like bleh fuck him he probably has sad past that turned him into a huge trash. Author will bring that card to justify his actions ig. (Hopefully not)
Dan you deserve better dude... Just pick yourself up already and open your eyes. It's getting hard to read scroll thru chapters cuz of it. Sry for long ass comment just ignore me if you don't agree with smg. Am just a passing breeze.

Sunskitten created a topic of My one and only cat

Um what about uncle n star...

Sunskitten created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I laughed so hard when he died 12 times n killed one in previous chapter. Am getting more invested with story it's fun and hang in there everyone! We are gonna get that most anticipating interaction soon!

Sunskitten created a topic of Touch Up

Everyone seems so used to fucked up toxic semes that they just can't digest the plot where seme isn't a red flag towards uke

Just some more chapters of pain *comforting myself then I remember the reality is the same like this...
They both make me want to have someone in my life. They are a reminder that every day is not going to be sunshine n rainbows... But they make me want to try.... Maybe life just might get little easier or idk worth looking forward to..

Sunskitten created a topic of Waterside Night

Now this was the kind of alpha I was dying to see he took a long road to become like this. Taeju you better take care of those precious crybabies

Sunskitten created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

I love it when seme begs for love, so pathetic *says fondly

Sunskitten created a topic of Night Song

"All you need to do is ask" Like I never thought this single sentence would ever sound so fking romantic to me.... I never gave a second thought about how powerful it is.... Just think someone is willing to do so much for you.. You just have to say the word.. They won't go against your whatever you want... It can be unhinged in many ways still romantic af idk man how to explain

Sunskitten created a topic of Ni Jiu

Please i was so excited.... Just to see same chapter

Sunskitten created a topic of Nerd Project

Why do I feel like I have read this chapters 3 times already??? Like everytime there's an update I feel like I read the same thing.......

Sunskitten created a topic of Can't Think Straight

He's kinda narcissistic isn't he

Sunskitten created a topic of Can't Think Straight

What a worse way to realize your feelings like bitch you fked it up real nice. He ain't gonna look at you twice now

Sunskitten created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Bruh uke is all big talk no game I want to see him as a badass not just someone who goes around fking people then goes weak in knees cuz of seme. I wanna see uke having upper hand is it too much to ask..

This manhwa keeps hitting home. It makes me feel dread to read yk... Like a slap of reality... I want to go to the present time already.... Ik it won't happen til atleast 7 chapters...

Sunskitten created a topic of Perfect Buddy

And the crowd cheered FUCK HIM UP FUCK HIM UP

Sunskitten created a topic of Muri Marriage