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eli created a topic of Yano-kun no Futsuu no Hibi

Nobody gets them liek i do..

eli created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door


eli created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

HELL YEA shinpei nation we move

eli followed a goer

brb = big round boobsicles
lol = lactate on, losers!
smh = super mega honkers
tbh = these boobles humongous! 
tfw = tiddies, fucking wonderful
stfu = shawty, those funbags unforgettable

27 days
eli created a topic of Pure Love Operation

He has to tell her abt his ear im in SHAMBLES right now oh my gof

eli created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

Get yourself an unhinged man that would do anything for your sake

eli created a topic of Randen to Saga

The low quality doodles on unserious expressions are my favorite. Loved this random read

eli created a topic of Unromantic

Haven’t completely read this but thus so far i find it very interesting how the roles are reversed & how people who give birth are given the respect they immensely deserve. This is such an intriguing concept and point of view im looking forward to read.

eli created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Grey hair beloved one day it’ll be your time to shine

eli created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door
eli created a topic of Oshi no Ko

The hell happened to the proportions of her body bro

eli created a topic of Jinx

Cooked beyond repair. Goodness gracious

eli created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

Ohhhh my insane beloved. How much i love you

eli created a topic of Chiguha Kuna Kisu

Love me some healthy romance

His ass just pisses me off we were ALL under the impression they were dating. What the fuck