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caliegh_jo May 23, 2017 7:13 pm

Hey guys I forgot the name of a manga and I'd appreciate some help find it!! Okay so plot is : the Uke uses relationships as a way to get free rent and other things and whatnot, one day he decides to 'break up' with his current bf and the bf freaks out saying that he can't, the uke is saved from having to deal with the bf further by a mysterious stranger (who may or may not be yakuza I forget). Fast forward like a week or so and the Ukes ex bf comes after him and stabs him, the stranger looks down on him, and the Ike says "save me or whatnot, so the aloof mysterious stranger does ... and that's all I remember

caliegh_jo May 9, 2017 6:56 am

Looking for a yaoi manga where the uke can see strings of fate (like he's able to see who will end up with who , and who other people's soulmates are basically ) and one day he see that his string is no longer lose and dangling but attacted to someone ! And a it's a guy no less, the uke then try's to deny his attraction to the seme and you get the picture , anyways I forgot the name and would appreciate any help finding it!!!

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