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created a topic of Bastian

I hate the "calm before the storm" troupe so fucking much Look how happy they both are.. then I make the goofy mistake of looking at the mfing spoilers and your telling me everything goes downhill NOOOOO-

Watch her do something stupid like fire all the members in Team 3 and justify it with the fact that they treated her "coldly" and "overworked" her.

created a topic of Selena

Wait how tf is she still a virgin?? I could've sworn the beginning chapters showed her and Frederick moving like THAT, did this get retconned or did I get the wrong implications about her affair??

I know it's supposed to be a short story but I really wish it was longer The concept itself is so interesting: a female painter who is struggling against gender norms to make a name for herself meets a neglected prince who is treated like a political tool that is fighting for power. Its a nice quick read if you like historical smut with a taste of plot

created a topic of Predator Marriage

TW: Ranting

Perhaps I'm a pessimist who has read too many dramatic novels with intense plots but I didn't expect the plot to play out like this when reading the Prologue.

Like I don't like how surprisingly easy it is for Leah to sneak out not once, not twice but THREE times.. like did we forget about Castle Guards, her maids.. anyone working at all? For a princess to be able to escape her own chambers easily and not alert anybody.. it makes me question how no one has assassinated her whole entire family. It also doesn't make sense when we know two members of the Royal family are obsessed with her, these recent chapters don't pose her half brother or step mother as a threat at all because despite their possessive tendacies, they can't seem to notice when said princess is missing for an ENTIRE night (Like you think they would have spies to watch her or something that would put the tension high without it feeling random and dry)

There should've been a whole commotion at the fact that their princess went missing the entire night yet everything is so unbelievably tame that I'm struggling to remember if I'm reading the same story with every chapter update.. I just feel like the author's words aren't matching up with the story, if her family is obsessed then show rather then tell. I personally just don't feel like her brother presented to be as dangerous as a threat as the author hoped.. only a creepy, disgusting and self-entitled pervert.

created a topic of Remarried Empress

While I utterly despise and somewhat pity Rashta... her children are both adorable ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ They both deserve better parents and a healthy environment to grow up in, so unfair they have to be used as tools by selfish greedy people who are fully grown and cannot communicate with a working braincell.

created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

Wait.. hold up.. is this plot for real right now? He eating out her pum pum right after a failed pregnancy?? What the fuc-

LMFAOOO I love Raul!! Bro is the biggest trooper and ultimate wingman The cutest person to bless this manhwa <3

created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

No amount of redemption can save him. Because don't you just LOVE reading toxic male leads who do things beyond forgiving and your forced to find it "romantic." I'd rather have an ending where she's miserable and resents him forever then to know he gets a second chance.

I've seen people keep complaining about the ending between Narumi and Hirotaka but the manga has always been paced like that. Koyanagi and Kabakura have been dating for YEARS and the manga ends with them being able to start a family. Narumi and Hirotaka only got together at the beginning of the manga and the manga shows them adjusting into a relationship after being childhood friends and slowly becoming more comfortable around each other in a new perspective. Which is why I feel like the story ended with them being able to share a first kiss since for them, they saw each other as friends for the longest time and struggled to realistically adjust to dating status throughout the duration of the story. Meanwhile with Kou and Nao, those two were primarily focused between their friendship and the story ends with them being able to become a couple. The story depicts each couple at different stages of their relationships especially with various unique personalities. More cute moments between the main couple would've been sweet however we've seen what happens when manga authors end up making too many volumes or work too long on a series.. let's remember the author has been working on the series for 6 years including during COVID. I think the story concluded quite beautifully and I enjoyed re-reading it.

Only thing I wished the story did was introduced the parents. Would've been an interesting plot point to see their reactions or views on otakus and their relationships. But I liked the ending and felt it was clever the author wrapped it up the way she did!!

created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

Tbh, I never understood why she instantly & entirely forgave him after the trial arc. Like yes he saved her but he didn't exactly clear his name, did she just forget about the allegations of him being a womanizer or how he treated her leading up to their marriage? I felt like that portion of the plot was rushed just to get straight to the smut. I understood that she felt indebted to him since she could've potentially been executed but the way her feelings switched up is nutsss

created a topic of Fucked by My Best Friend

The whiplash this story body slams you with should break a Guinness World Record because ain't no way We collecting all the hentai tags like they are pokemon in under one story, whats next.. tentacles?

created a topic of Nana

Everything leading down to Ren's death won't stop me from crying. It's so tragically written, like he finally taught a grip on his life and lost it in the blink of an eye.

created a topic of Cry, Even Better If You Beg

I've read the novel and as much as I hate toxic male leads, that's the whole point of this story. Matthias is addressed as a cruel person by numerous people throughout the novel, that's the genre of the story. It's supposed to be dark, similar to Killing Stalking. While I completely understand the complaints, there's no point since the author wrote this story with the goal of it being about possession and power differences. Layla is like a poor bird trapped inside a painful cage by Matthias who would rather kill his birds then let them flee his grasp. Abusing his authority to bind her to him, that's the whole point of the story. I quite like how the story uses metaphors of how disgusting nobles treat those lower then them like animals. If an awful male lead isn't your cup of tea, then this story DEFINITELY isn't recommended for you. Matthias isn't a character about growth or change, he does what he does to get what he wants until he succeeds.

One thing I will admit tho.. romanticising this sort of behavior is extremely problematic and when writing this form of fiction, writers should be more clear within the story of what is and isn't ethical and moral for the viewers who digest this type of content wrong. Readers should also be careful when consuming this sort of literature, not everything has to teach a lesson of good deeds and acts. Some stories will purposefully depict horrid things to showcase the reality of the world we live in and signs to avoid.

My little ted talk is done, see yall for ch 11.

created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

To all the manhwa readers waiting for proper development, it starts NOW. This is the arc in the novel where we see more growth in Maxi's character and when she begins communicating better. Even Riftan has moments of growth during this part of the story. Do be patient, this story was written as a slow burn to build the characters realistically under the time period. If slow burns aren't for you, feel free to drop the story for a bit and come back when the chapters start piling up :)

created a topic of Pure Love Operation

This story proceeds to get more confusing... is the blond girl's mom not the music teacher? If that's the case then did her mother just abandon her or am I missing something here and her actual mom is just dead? It's too much of a coindence that the music teacher teaches piano, Raim plays piano and the two look pretty identical.

The one thing the latest chapter expands on is Raim's feeling towards Eunhyeok: I don't think I see it as incest anymore from how I inferred it but basically, she wanted to believe she and him could relate to each other and could become each other's only family except she found out that he still has both parents while she lost her mom and has no ties with her father. When she found out, she was disappointed because again, she felt like no one else understood what it was like to lose a parent, let alone both. I think they are still half siblings, Eunhyeok probably found out he had a sister which would be a taboo topic at home so he would run into Raim at random places to make up for his scummy dad who neglected her and would take care of her. That's how I digested the info from the last chapter. It's sad because I wanted to really like Raim, they hinted that she MIGHT actually care about her sister but it's clear now: she's too consumed by envy and greed.

This family drama plot is interesting but I wish we would get more clear answers rather then reading between blurred lines. Then there's the fully grown psychopath at the end of the chapter who enjoys tormenting a teenage girl's love life so he can write his story based off of her fanfic.. this part of the plot.. I will see yall when this story is finished..

created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

WAAAH! I want hot mommy Agnes back!! Her and Ruth are the only reason I come back every week, waaaaah!!!!

created a topic of The couple breaker

If this is going off lie detectors that work based on heart rate, Yoonsik is a pretty calm and collected person who managed to manipulate his heart beat to avoid finding Jooah attractive in the swin suit episode. I think he might manage to do it again and in the process, realize he might actually like Taerin when thinking about it. (Like he will try to think of happy things and she comes to mind or he will try to think of depressing things so his heart rate slow down, idk I ain't a doctor)

But someone bury Kyungmo alive. Here I thought I hated Jooah more but this man really stalked the woman who he claimed ruined his life because she was spending private time with her new boyfriend. Like what was it exactly that Kyungmo wanted to gain from watching them? Jooah's question was so stupid too, like why on earth are you bothered if Taerin still likes her ex? Unlike you, she isn't a insecure cheater who would disregard Yoonsik for a POS.

I do hope if they do continue this lie detector test next epsiode, both Taerin and Yoonsik ask those human toxic waste some questions that make them uncomfortable and turn them against each other. Because ain't no way Kyungmo about to make Taerin cry every night at this beach and not suffer even more. Idc about Jooah, she's been irrelevant and should've stayed that way when she flopped her idol career the first time.

I understand why people feel bad for Anita but I think she has only herself to blame. She had close people who warned her to stop helping the previous King and naively did too much in the name of love. Falling in love is natural but devoting everything to love is chosen action: a selfish one. She should've been wise and placed down boundaries. That man knew exactly how to take advantage of her because she never said no. She was a irresponsible magician to say the least.

The people I feel most sorry for were the other users of magic. People warned her to stop and she ignored their pleas, her selfish desire for one man costed her the very legacy of her own people. And rather then feeling apologetic, she AGAIN chose to devote herself to revenge. AGAIN, a selfish action that she seems to constantly do. Even worse when you consider that her revenge is only effecting innocent people who's only connection is bloodline. Like, if she was only directing for that one specific King then I would be rooting for her, but she isn't. I think she knows her revenge is wrong but thinks redirecting her anger onto someone will elevate her guilt. To go as far as to go against her own principles as a "witch," and to harm other women, says volumes to me.

Again, I understand why everyone is pitying her while I thinks she honestly doesn't deserve it. The most I feel bad for, is the fact that she loved a man who used her. When your in the shoes of that relationship, I understand that it's hard to miss the signs. But her revenge is the reason why many are against the idea of revenge to begin with: it always ends up involving the innocent.

created a topic of Free in Dreams

Compared to other red flag MLS, I truly feel for Siyun and hope he gets the help needed. It's clear from early chapters that he can be a good person, it's only his past trauma dragging him down a dangerous path. I liked the episode where FL communicated how much she loves him but how there needs to be a change in the relationship since it was beginning to effect her and those around her. I believe it's possible for him to get onto the right direction, he just needs more good people and opportunities to encourage him. Praying for a happy ending for everyone, this manhwa has done great redeeming it's characters so let's hope it's the same for the ML!!