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Mari017 created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

Woof woof... I can't... stop laughing lol

I wanted Kairi to fuck Rio in his mermaid form... I don't know how he would, but I wanted to see that

People, you have to go to the scanlation team's website to read chapter 10

Please atop being so adorable, both of you T_T

Tara has so much patience, I would have already send him to hell lol

I don't know if it's because of the translation or whatever, but I don't understand what is happening lol

And what the hell happened in chapter 38?? Did they kill someone? Hilda did it? Or was it Adrian? So confused

No, please, don't do it, I mean, even with all that happened I don't have a problem actually, but this...

And WTF with chapter 10 lol

Mari017 created a topic of TWO HEIRS

Oh he actually recognizes that he is in love, he is not so dense like a lot of characters

it's baaaaaaaaaaaack! (≧∀≦)

Mari017 created a topic of Secretary to Stage

"Don't rub your mic against my bottom" I can't lol

Mari017 created a topic of D:AZE

This seems more interesting than fighting against vampires lol

Mari017 created a topic of Muri Marriage

Now I want a story about Tabata

Mari017 created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Yes, yes I need it too!

Btw, what Is that massive monster?!

Geiogis? Kirgis? Girgis? No, the mother in law Is the real final boss!

And Mo Ah is her Minion!