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Akiss created a topic of Work Love Balance

Ooooh jealousy arc!! Time to spice things up a little hehe

Akiss created a topic of Love in Reprise

He's hot then he's cold then back to hot like dude, pick a side

Akiss created a topic of Cozy Obsession

Lmao it's interesting

Akiss created a topic of Regas

bruh if they're gonna make Abel a twink, they should've done it earlier so it's at least easier to get used to idk

Akiss created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

???? Bro, I love you and all but pls calm your horny asses for once and just, like, focus on figuring out the new guy's intention, pls I'm begging y'all

Akiss created a topic of Gig of the Day

When he doesn't care to listen to anything yeomin says to him but still gets jealous lmaooo

Akiss created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

ahhh I like this je oh

Akiss created a topic of Gig of the Day

secretary park is so funny to me, I love him lolol

Akiss created a topic of Nerd Project

Pls there's been so many false notifications lately and now it's a skipped chapter

Akiss created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

Coming back after first episode of the new season

Akiss created a topic of Limited Run

OH. The uncensored dicks were a jumpscare fr lmaoooo

Akiss created a topic of Nerd Project

I'd say this every chapter, but Luke Luke Luke is sooooo pretty it's so unfair

oh she's EVIL, I Love it. Also to be fair, the body is a girl but she presents herself as a boy. And then the demon residing within the body technically doesn't have a gender? So it's like. Idk if I'd rly consider her a girl lol

Akiss created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Am I too impatient? Cuz how has it been 26 chapters and nothing's progressed. Now we're gonna waste another chapter on sex for the next update too

Akiss created a topic of Turning
Akiss created a topic of For You Who Grieves

I mean.... Not to be insensitive but i'm a lil bit tired of the like blah blah blah I have past trauma I'm not worthy of ur love blah blah blah. Idk it just feels so on the nose. Wish it could've been shown more subtly or smth.

Akiss created a topic of Debut or Die
Akiss created a topic of The Tosa's Master

What blond boy did was super shitty + traumatic but what rich guy is doing is way worse bros fucked up

Akiss created a topic of Gig of the Day

noooo. taeseo might not be an asshole for only wanting fwb but he's definitely an asshole for telling yeomin it's fine if he likes him anyway like he knows how yeomin is, this PISSES me off