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♡♡ created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

like yes girl get to 100 chapters atleast aslfua kissed or something the only thing they'll ever get close to is holding cheeks and chins
hurry up and love each other

♡♡ created a topic of Merry Marbling

Imagine you make a promise to get back early for your bf, then you get dragged into the classmate event something with "can't I just bounce?" but you still get dragged then suddenly a little kid grabs onto you and looks for his mom. You take out your phone it fucking gets SMASHED and the kid starts crying . Then you go to the police station and this kid's not letting you go. He keeps insisting you stay with him. You don't want to . Cause you swore to go to your bf early.
You see the police officers that knows your facade. I'd literally be panicking.
You run to your bf's apartment but he already left. Now you broke your promise and hurt your bf! Not only that, you (believe) you caused all of it. You want to know the emotions you experienced for the first time, and because of that, you two swear to give space just so you'd clear your head and understand what you're feeling.

Im not saying Yugun's wrong, but he's human as well. Just needs understanding in both of their parts. I would've been itching for someone to hold me and tell me I did a good job going through a bad day.

If anyone ever says he's a "crybaby wuss" don't get the depth in his character.

♡♡ created a topic of Double Trap

im a gay amab nobody come for me

♡♡ asked a question

i need plesseprefersbltnwitj no smeks but thstsdfine

♡♡ answered question about question
someone explain it to me like I'm 5
♡♡ created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

This is all I needed in life.
ALPHA X ALPHA, Green flag relationship, CONSENSUAL SMX !?!?!? (WOAH!), a blonde retriever x black cat relationship, BUFF GAY MEN !!!!! AND THE DIVERISTY IN THEIR CHIDLREN??? LIKE I SWEAR ???
I love it so much, y'all don't understand. I CRIED to this. Out of happiness and sadness.
In the 60-70 chapters, my emotions went from

♡♡ created a topic of Profundis

Too much rape . Chat, r*pe is not "borderline peak psychological dark plotline" it's just horrible. Authors, traumas of a male MC in a Manhwa doesn't have to be r*pe! R*pe isn't "character development" !

I feel so sad for MC. I can't believe I actually read through all this just for the sake of "the world is ending" plot. I skip all the s*x. Just straight to plot, me!

♡♡ created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

i think je-oh will turn like hee-seong. don't get me wrong, I'm VERY against it but it's possible. like the newcomer, je-oh was very against it and tried his best to get out there. Hee-seong disliked how he kept fighting back instead of accepting it
When Je-oh said "if that was me, I would've done it without shedding a tear" or something along those lines, I just saw Hee-seong in him.
Hopefully, he does something to not go to the same path as her because even Seong-rok (?) thinks he might turn into her.....
He's getting more dark thoughts coming back to him and I'm scared that something might happen.
Please!!! Please, move into the countryside, adopt an orphan and live life happily.
Anyways, I feel so-so about the new art. The old art was top tier, of course, but it improved. Though old art have more of a "oohh dark manhwa everyone dies there's blood and it's traumatic" . Reminded me of Killing Stalking's art style .

♡♡ created a topic of PASSION

I don't think know.. it's just that they're so cute together. Won't be a surprise if I drop or anything. Xinlu was introduced first so naturally I developed a fondness for him. Hope I start to like the actual ml though.
(He's a D*ck)

♡♡ created a topic of Payback

Hey. I hope I die. Holy shit this is soa wsmw

♡♡ created a topic of The Boss in the Bedroom

I'm not a person of original thoughts, but I'll really try my best to say how much I enjoyed this Manhwa.

"What if I make a mistake again?"
"That's okay. I'll teach you."

When they talked about not using a safe word and saying that's their ultimate destination, it made me feel so warm cause they soon will be able to know each other so well that they won't have to use safe words cause they don't be doing anything the other doesn't like. My god!
For a short Manhwa, this was really lovely and cute. Hyunwoo isn't familiar with the idea of jealousy, and when to identify when he's feeling it, but Youngjoo knows him well. Plus When Youngjoo revealed to his friends his real age, it was such a relief that they laughed it off!!
I'm just not fond with peeing, but everyone has their own likes

♡♡ created a topic of Another Lie

That's not..

♡♡ created a topic of Spinach Bouquet