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[redacted] created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)
[redacted] answered question about let's be positive
cons:    stereotypes: people think every furry are zoophiles   furry costumes are expensive.   cyberbullying // also bullying irl pros: absolutely none
[redacted] created a topic of Never Understand

This is my fourth time rereading this and only have realized how messed up the side couples are

[redacted] created a topic of Shiro to Tsubaki

people, this is one of those stories where you have to turn off your brain when reading it.

all I was waiting for akira x kurogane but the author decided to miss that opportunity.

[redacted] answered question about question
don't accept them in female sports because they have advantages due to factors like bone density, muscle mass,and other physical attributes that can contribute to athletic performance. and comfort rooms for women because some sick perverts may take this as an advantage to go in women's comfort rooms, that's all.
[redacted] answered question about question
wake up at 6am; class starts at 7:30am and ends at 4:30pm. I get home by 5:00pm.
[redacted] like topic of Dolphin Fairy

It was 3 years ago when I first read this, and I'm rereading it now because I don't remember how stuff happened and it wasn't completed before.
I don't think I was able to relate to it before, but now this shit just hits hard.

[redacted] created a topic of Dolphin Fairy

It was 3 years ago when I first read this, and I'm rereading it now because I don't remember how stuff happened and it wasn't completed before.
I don't think I was able to relate to it before, but now this shit just hits hard.

It's like playing with a barbie doll..

[redacted] shared experience about pet them cute chibi things
ctto: PembunuhKecoa (from
[redacted] followed question about lmao

Holy moly (⊙…⊙ )

25 08,2023

holding back tears and biting my lip so hard... I can't start crying here. I don't know why I decided to suddenly reread this while I'm in a dental clinic right now waiting for my turn

[redacted] answered question about stay up too late reading yaoi
  I saw this panel three years ago on a Wattpad Facebook group and decided, Yeah, I'm going to read this, then developed an addiction after reading it. It's the reason why I have a thing for shitty tops treating the bottoms like shit and regretting it after the bottoms decide they've had enough of taking shit from tops. The regret arc and the chas......