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I live and breath for these (18+)(11) 2024-03-15 1

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wellwellwell January 1, 2024 10:16 am

It was interesting but then over time it became a basic stereotypical isekai harem, honestly disappointed where they took the plot cause it honestly had potential in the beginning. Towards the end not much is explained and it’s just rushed but also keeps repeating itself. And the whole thing of none of the characters we are introduced to actually die like? I love cogmos but why did the saintness not finish him after everything he did? Like I get they tried to show how bora and the other were ‘understanding’ and understood they were wrong but the way it was executed was so half baked. Like she immediately understood his intentions and believed him even though since she was brought into the world she was made to believe the demons were bad, and even asks to be his comrade? I’m sorry it’s just so rushed. And honestly I actually like the idea but the execution was just poor

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