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JOY98's experience ( All 1 )

Do you guys thing that your first kiss (and maybe also your first time) should be something you treasure and do with a person you love or is it not that important and if you actually are not interested in anybody you could just do it with someone you don't really care for?   2 reply
16 05,2018

JOY98's answer ( All 2 )

Germany :)   2 reply
21 09,2018
about drawing
I post my drawings on @neleangela - if you are interested take a look I appreciate every support   reply
19 09,2018

JOY98's question ( All 1 )

Just curious, what would you like to read a story about. Like what plot or idea or representation would you like to read in manga.
Or on the other hand what tropes do you think are overused or cliched?
04 08,2018