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LeeAnna created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I really wanted to learn about Ian’s past self, but now it just feels too drawn out. Like, the author couldn’t have summarized the past in a better way without neglecting Ian for such a long time? I get it— Brian was an amazing man who changed Soliete’s ways, or whatever. But why write the story like this? If you wanted to lay out everything, do it chronologically, or AT LEAST in a way that won’t disrupt the original flow of the story. The author established Ian as part of the main cast, and now, it doesn’t even feel like it’s his story anymore. It’s frustrating.

The author has their own plans, and it’s up to them how they want to write their story… But I REALLY don’t like the way it’s written now. The pacing and exposition of the past is just too much. I hope Ian will come back soon. I want to see how he develops as a person and how his relationships change.