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Strawberry boy already read

Pairing: Zoro x SanjiSanji and Zoro are getting on each other's nerves as they always do. While on a...

  • Author: Yamato
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi

Every time I stumble across this I get emotional all over again. It's heartwarming and gut wrenching all at the same time. Love it.

Strawberry boy created a topic of Semantic Error

Sometimes it's hard to realize you're changing, even if it's for the better.

Strawberry boy created a topic of The Man At Night

Holy shit they're so hot ♡ I wish I was comfortable enough to cross dress,,, well maybe someday haha

Strawberry boy created a topic of Payback

Tw suicide

Honestly, I've tried to commit suicide a couple of times. This is a bit dark but one time I had cut myself and I was just waiting for it to end. I took a shower and sat on my floor. There was a literal puddle of blood where I'd been sitting. It just wouldn't stop but I was still alive. I called my sister and I have no idea why but I took a picture of myself. I was smiling. It's such a creepy picture. Me smiling with my body covered in blood. My sister begged me to call an ambulance so I did. I smoked a cigarette while waiting. I was calm. That's how it usually is.

If you know someone who's hurting, someone who's depressed or going through it, it doesn't always show. People can go years without showing even a bit of how much they're hurting. They seem fine, like they're happy. Like they have their life together. They can often be nonchalant about the problem they have because they don't wanna be burdens. And then one day they're just gone.

Even if your loved ones seem fine, reach out to them. Tell them you love them. When I've been in those moments when I'm ready to give up, when I'm ready to leave this hell hole. I don't care. I don't care about anything. I feel free. I'm calm because I know it's going to end soon. Sometimes I'm even excited. I look happy. Nothing matters anymore, I don't have to think about the guilt of leaving people behind, I don't have to think about the things I love, the things that have once have me joy. Other times I've gone months purposefully ignoring and ghosting people. Tried to make them hate me, despice me, so it'll be easier when I'm gone because to them it would be like I'd already exited their lives. There'd be nothing to miss since I was already gone.

Sometimes people who are ready to go seem happy and carefree, sometimes they seem agry or mean, sometimes there's no signs at all. Please, just please take care of the people you love. And if you're going through this, no matter how alone you feel, you're never alone. I know that that might not mean much to you right now but I swear, there are hundreds of people who feel the same hurt, who have gone through the same thing, who are in your shoes. Those who are gone and those who have gotten better.

There's still hope. Depression isn't always something that will get better, that can be cured, but there's hope. That's all we have sometimes. You can get better, I promise you there are things worth fighting for. The sad thing is that you don't always get help even though you beg and plead for it and I know it's hard but you have to reach out. I know it seems impossible. You don't want to bother people, you don't want to be a burden. No one understands, no one can help, there's no point. Maybe you can't even open your mouth to say the words, maybe you don't have the energy or ability to pick up the phone or the courage to face someone. But I beg of you, please reach out, do something, anything. I know it's rough but no one can save you for you. You have to save yourself, the healing has to start from you. You have to want to get better. Things like good food, hugs, forest, blue skies and laughs can seem meaningless right now but I believe everyone has the capabilities to get better in the right circumstances. To get to a place where those things matter again. I promise you it's worth it even though it doesn't seem so right now. You deserve to get better, you deserve help. You don't have to be anything extraordinary for that, you just have to be human. And that makes you extraordinary.

Sorry for venting. I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that anyone else going through this makes it to the other side. I love you. Take care of yourself. <3

Strawberry boy created a topic of Semantic Error

That's adorable haha ♡ as funny as that was, you gotta stop running away from your feelings ((and Jaeyoung)) xd

Thank you sm for posting this!! I've been waiting so long for this to continue haha.

Anyways I know he's gonna be fine but I'm still so anxious for what's gonna happen :,/ ♡

I love how everyone collectively decided to call them dorks haha. Yeah, I agree, they're dorks. ♡

((that scene where both of them were in separate bathrooms overthinking the situation at the same time was adorable haha))

Strawberry boy created a topic of Jinx

Lmao someone's jealous. No but for real Jaekyung needs to grow up and learn to communicate. And everybody needs to leave Kim Dan alone :,0

Strawberry boy created a topic of The Man At Night

I'm so happy that the hiatus is over!! Thank you for uploading ♡

Strawberry boy created a topic of Shutline

I loved this chapter sm!! Has to be my favorite so far. It's so nice to just see them shopping and bantering/flirting haha ♡♡

I hope this calm moment last for a little bit longer but I'm kind on the edge,, good things don't usually last long. :,/

Omg I'm so happy this is gonna continue!! I'm so excited to read season two ♡♡

Strawberry boy already read

Attacked by vampires at a club, nineteen-year-old En survives after being bitten and turning into a ...

  • Author: Billy balibally
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Supernatural

This is so good!!!! I love the art style and the world building /story telling ♡♡♡

Now I'm just waiting for more,,,, ended on such a cliffhanger haha

Strawberry boy created a topic of Fangs

Nooo,,, is that it? :( does anyone know if it's gonna continue or stay unfinished?

Strawberry boy already read

From spottoon:Roman is no ordinary mortician. He works for a vicious gangster by getting rid of his ...

  • Author: chongtak
  • Genres: Action / Adult / Comedy / Seinen / Webtoons

I binge read this and I'm exhausted so I'll make a proper review later but the gist is that I absolutely fucking loved it. The story is awesome, the art is amazing, nothing to complain about. Recommend <3